$1 Xbox Game Pass Trials Are No More

Microsoft has stopped offering $1 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass trials, in favor of different promotions.

“We have stopped our previous introductory offer for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass and are evaluating different marketing promotions for new members in the future,” Xbox Head of Global Communications Kari Perez told The Verge.

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Now Playing: Xbox Game Pass Games Not To Miss

It’s unclear what other promotions Microsoft has in mind for new Game Pass members, as the company has yet to announce any new deals for its subscription service. Microsoft is currently testing its Xbox Game Pass Friends and Family bundles internationally, allowing up to four users to share a membership at a reduced cost.

Previously, Microsoft would allow new Xbox Game Pass members to pay just $1 for the first month, enticing users to try the service before paying the full amount after that. Then, depending on the membership, users would pay $15 for Game Pass Ultimate or $10 for the Xbox- or PC-only versions of Game Pass each month, giving them access to a slew of Xbox games.

Xbox Game Pass features a rotating list of games that changes monthly. Recently, the service received a new batch of games including Dead Space 2, Dead Space 3, and Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. The company will likely announce April 2023’s list of Game Pass titles soon, offsetting the games leaving the service this week, including MLB The Show 22, Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, and others.

[OLD DON'T LINK] The Best Xbox Game Pass GamesSee More

About Joseph Yaden

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