13 More PSVR 2 Games Confirmed

Sony has announced a baker’s dozen of new games for PlayStation VR 2. Headlined by NFL Pro Era, Tetris Effect, and Thumper, all 13 titles from the list will also arrive within the launch window for the upcoming headset.

The PlayStation Blog noted that the launch window is within a month of PSVR 2’s release date, which is February 22. So these newly announced games for the headset will come out before the end of March.

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Before Your Eyes sees players interacting with a collection of memories, while Creed Rise to Glory: Championship Edition puts players back into the boxing ring. Kayak VR: Mirage is pretty self-explanatory and includes locations like Antarctica as well as Australia.

NFL Pro Era gives players the virtual ability to become a star quarterback. And then there are a trio of games with stellar soundtracks: Rez Infinite, Tetris Effect, and Thumper. Existing owners of Rez Infinite and Tetris Effect can upgrade to this edition for $10.

Here’s the full list of the 13 new games for PSVR 2:

Before Your EyesCreed Rise to Glory: Championship EditionKayak VR: MirageThe Last ClockwinderNFL Pro EraPavlov VRPuzzling PlacesRez InfiniteSong in the SmokeSynth RidersTetris EffectThumperWhat the Bat

Sony says these additions will bring the total launch window catalog to over 30 games. This is everything else we know so far for PSVR 2.

About Evan Campbell

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