13 Things You Need To Know About Elden Ring

GameSpot recently went hands on with Elden Ring, playing through the first seven hours of the game, and learned a few more interesting details you might want to know before it releases.

There will be some very mild spoilers mentioned, so keep that in mind if you want to go into the game as free of information as possible.

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Now Playing: 13 Things You Need to Know about Elden Ring

Here are a few of the things we learned in our time with the game.

Elden Ring will have a hub area like in previous Souls games called The Round Table Hold. You won’t have immediate access to the area, but like in prior From Software games, it is a safe location from enemies. NPCs will come and go, and certain parts of The Round Table Hold will be closed off until you complete certain sections of the game.

Armor will be more customizable now, as you can acquire a sewing kit to change how it looks. It’s unclear if this has any effect on stats, but it at least means you can mix up your look a bit more.

In the closed network test, the available dungeons were fairly small, in contrast to the wide-open spaces seen in trailers. But there are in fact larger non-legacy dungeons that you will be able to find and explore. And they all have unique bosses and interesting loot to acquire too.

And once you get out of the tutorial area, it seems like you will be able to pretty much anywhere you want right off the bat. The game does push you in certain directions, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow them.

You can see all 13 things we learned about Elden Ring in our preview by checking out the video above. Or read our Elden Ring review in progress.

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About Oisin Kuhnke

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