14 New Exotics Are Coming In Destiny 2: The Witch Queen

We’ve already gotten a look at a number of Exotic weapons and armor coming to Destiny 2 as part of The Witch Queen DLC, but that’s not all that’s on the way. As you’d expect, Bungie has several more Exotics awaiting fans, although the specifics regarding those will remain under wraps for the time being.

As part of the new Witch Queen vidoc, Bungie revealed that a total of 14 Exotics will be coming to the game. That includes eight weapons, plus six pieces of armor, split evenly across Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters, with one Stasis and one non-Stasis piece for each. Details on the mystery Exotics were not shared, including exactly when we’ll see them all, but we at least now have some sense for what to expect.

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To date, Bungie has revealed six of the weapons. That includes the three class-specific Glaives, the new melee weapon type being introduced–Edge of Action for Titans, Edge of Intent for Warlocks, and Edge of Concurrence for Hunters. We’ve also seen Grand Overture (the slug launcher), Parasite (the ridiculous, worm-firing grenade launcher), and Osteo Striga (the submachine gun that takes after guns such as Thorn). In terms of armor, we’ve seen Titans’ Hoarfrost-Z chest (replaces barricades with a Stasis wall), Warlocks’ Osmiomancy gloves (augments Coldsnap grenades), and Hunters’ Blight Ranger helmet (increases the damage of projectiles reflected with Arcstrider). That leaves two Exotic weapons and three pieces of armor that Bungie has not yet detailed.

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The Witch Queen launches on February 22, kicking off Year 5 for Destiny 2. Separately from the vidoc, Bungie recently provided us with a more in-depth look at the new DLC, including how the story campaign and Savathun’s throne world work and details on weapon crafting. We also know Season of the Risen is the name of Season 13, which will begin alongside the new expansion.

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – All The Exotic Gear Revealed So FarSee More

About Chris Pereira

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