$250,000 Call of Duty: Warzone Tournament Deals With A Slew Of Cheating Allegations

A team was removed from the Twitch Rivals $250,000 Call of Duty: Warzone Doritos Bowl championship after it was ruled that they had been cheating.

Streamer Metzy_B was accused of cheating by several other players, including 100 Thieves’ Tom “Tommey” Trewren. When looking at Metzy_B’s gameplay, Trewren said that the other streamer had to have been using some kind of cheat to lock onto other players, as it looked like his aim had “locked onto the guy by accident.”

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After reviewing the clip in question, along with others from his previous streams, Metzy_B and his team were removed by Twitch. On broadcast, the reason given for the ban was that the gameplay from the clips was “unnatural beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Metzy_B denied the allegations of cheating and maintained that he was innocent. After all the commotion from the accusations and removals settled down, Trewren came forward to apologize for his part in Metzy_B’s ban, saying he had actually made a mistake.

After receiving feedback from the community and going back to review Metzy_B’s PC files, the 100 Thieves streamer tweeted out an apology. “Fully understand the hate I’m receiving, and it’s deserved. There just wasn’t enough to [go] by to give my opinion, from the stuff I saw I believed something was off, but there just wasn’t enough to go as far as it did and to have everyone saying he cheated.”

Trewren went on to say: “I apologize for that. I didn’t want to take it any further, but nobody else seemed to care and he asked if I’d talk to him so he can prove he was clean, which he did. I’ll hold my hands up and admit we were wrong. I’m sorry for letting a lot of you down.”

Metzy_B has yet to respond to the apology, but Trewren told another member of the Warzone community that he would give his winnings from the tournament to the wrongly accused if he wanted them.

Though this particular case has been cleared up, the Call of Duty scene is still being plagued by cheating accusations and many players claiming that the game’s anti-cheat system isn’t effective enough. Popular streamer NICKMERCS even announced that he would no longer be participating in Warzone tournaments until the cheating problems have been resolved.

About Ty Galiz-Rowe

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