A collection of demos from new and upcoming games are available right now on Steam as part of the Future Games Showcase. The games are available on the showcase’s Steam page under the “virtual show floor” section.
The games featured are a variety of upcoming indie titles, including Backbone (which launched on June 9), a 2D detective game where you play a raccoon, Get Packed: Fully Loaded, Get Packed: Fully Loaded, a co-op physics game about forcibly removing stuff from a building, and Timberborn, a city management game about building the perfect society for beavers.
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Now Playing: 22 Minutes of Backbone Gameplay
Gamedec is a single-player, isometric RPG, taking place in a cyberpunk future. You play as a detective who must solve crimes in a virtual world. Beacon Pines is a cute but creepy adventure game where you must explore and find word charms to change the course of fate.
Here is a full list of the game demos available through the Future Games Showcase on Steam:
A Tale of PaperGet Packed: Fully LoadedGatewalkersGamedecBackboneBeacon PinesTrifoxTimberbornRift Breaker
This isn’t the only set of demos you can play in the next week. Xbox and Summer Game Fest have teamed up to release over 40 Demos on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S on June 15.
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