A new Ghost Recon game is reportedly in development and has been for over a year.
According to Kotaku, the next mainline Ghost Recon game could launch as early as the fiscal year 2023, and is codenamed Over. Not much other information about a new Ghost Recon is currently available.
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Now Playing: Ghost Recon Breakpoint Struggles For Identity
Ubisoft experimented with NFTs for Ghost Recon Breakpoint via its Quartz initiative. The response to it was overwhelmingly negative. Strategic Innovations Lab, the team behind Quartz, has reportedly been silent since.
Last year, Ubisoft also revealed Ghost Recon Frontline, a free-to-play live-service game. Kotaku reports that a negative internal playtest earlier this year has caused the project to reset and so it will likely not launch soon.
Another Ubisoft project, codenamed Pathfinder, is reportedly in the works as well. It’s reportedly similar to Ubisoft’s battle royale, Hyper Scape, but “more cartoony.” Hyper Scape and Ghost Recon Breakpoint weren’t all that well-received, and it seems like Ubisoft is looking to move on, as Hyper Scape’s servers are shutting down later this month and Breakpoint isn’t getting any more new content.
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