As part of Pokemon Go‘s current Season of Mischief a new Pokemon, Inkay, and its Evolution, Malamar, are now live in the game. The psychic-type Pokemon was first introduced in Pokemon X and Y, and just like in the mainline games, it will use a unique method for evolution.
Inkay arrived as part of the Psychic Spectacular event that includes a number of other psychic-type Pokemon, running from September 8 to September 13–just a small segment of the three-month-long Season of Mischief. Inkay is available as a rare wild encounter, but can also be caught from one-star raids, or by completing Field Research tasks. Inkay can be evolved into Malamar “only under unique circumstances,” the Niantic update says, adding that “trainers who have journeyed through the Kalos region in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y may have an inkling as to what those circumstances might be.”
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The event alsos give players more chances to catch other psychic Pokemon in encounters, raids, and through Research Tasks. These include the likes of Abra, Drowzee, Gothita, Solosis, and Elgyem in regular encounters, and Staryu, Chimecho, Bronzor, Espurr, Alolan Raichu, Wobbuffet, Medicham, and Metagross in raids.
Players can also complete the next part of the Season of Mischief Special Research task, which will unlock more about the season’s mysterious Mythical Pokemon Hoopa.