A Plague Tale: Requiem has had its first-ever gameplay trailer revealed live at The Game Awards. Amicia and Hugo are back, and while they look older and wiser, they are apparently no safer than when we last left them. You can see Amicia unleashing new weapons on enemies, defending herself on a small raft, and, as always, searching for the ever-endangered Hugo.
See it all for yourself in this new gameplay trailer.
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Now Playing: A Plague Tale: Requiem Gameplay Trailer | Game Awards 2021
The game is said to take its tone (and its subtitle, for that matter) from the Robert Louis Stevenson poem, “Requiem.” The siblings will travel south to new regions and cities never before seen in the original game.
A Plague Tale: Requiem is Asobo’s direct sequel to 2019’s surprise hit, A Plague Tale: Innocence, about a pair of orphaned siblings on the run from both the Inquisition and an almost mystical rat plague. The sequel is due out in 2022 on PS5, PC, Switch via the cloud, and Xbox Series X|S. It will also launch on Xbox Game Pass on day one, though a firm release date has not yet been revealed.