A Secret New Destiny 2: Lightfall Exotic Mission Is Now Live

We’re now a week into Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion era, and it’s that exciting period of time when we don’t yet know what to expect week to week from the expansion or the accompanying Season of Defiance. The first weekly reset has now occurred, with players discovering a secret new Exotic mission–and it’s entirely possible you didn’t even notice.

The new Exotic mission is not located in the Director, and there is seemingly nothing in the game guiding you to its location. To start the mission, known as The Variable, you’ll need to head to the Gulch area of the EDZ. Once you’re there, search for objects that emit a morse code-like noise and then quickly activate all six. From there, you’ll be on your way to unlocking a new Exotic weapon.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2 Lightfall Launch Day Gameplay

For those eager to know what awaits, this leads to unlocking an Exotic glaive called Vexcalibur. This is a Void weapon whose trait and perks involve absorbing damage with its shield to grant you and others an overshield, which in turn also boosts the amount of damage the weapon deals.

This is but one of many secrets in Lightfall that we’re still working to uncover. Those include the action figure collectibles, which the new seasonal challenges specifically task you with locating and recovering. There are a number of other new Exotic weapons to obtain, too, including Winterbite, Deterministic Chaos, and Final Warning. Plus, a new version of the weekly Partition mission is now live.

About Chris Pereira

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