A Whole Bunch Of Demos Are Coming To Xbox Soon

On July 11, Microsoft will release over 40 demos on Xbox consoles as part of the ID@Xbox Demo Fest. The full list of games has yet to be published, but so far a handful of demos are confirmed to make an appearance including Lies of P and Demonschool.

Many of the demos featured are early works in progress, similar to what you’d find at a gaming convention. The demos are guaranteed to be available on Xbox until July 17. As Microsoft notes, some game demos will be “re-published” at a later date, but most of them will not be available after July 17, so it’s best to act fast.

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Now Playing: Lies of P – Gameplay Showcase Trailer

Thus far, the following game demos have been announced as part of the ID@Xbox Demo Fest:

DemonschoolLies of PSea of StarsThe Wandering VillageWordless

Microsoft confirmed that the full list of game demos will be revealed on July 11. Note that the Lies of P demo is actually available to download right now ahead of the game’s full release on September 19. Sea of Stars is also nearing its release on August 29.

Unlike traditional demos, these are intended to gather feedback from the community. Since these games are all still in development, Microsoft notes that they will evolve as they get closer to release. “The developers would love to hear what you think. Hit them up on social media or through their websites. If you like the game – tell them!” Microsoft said.

The Biggest Game Releases Of July 2023See More

About Joseph Yaden

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