In what feels like a monthly recurrence, Activision has taken action against yet another Call of Duty Warzone cheat distributor. The massive publisher has filed a lawsuit in the state of California against EngineOwning, saying that the company has damaged “Activision’s games, its overall business, and the experience of the COD player community.”
The lawsuit goes on to name numerous members of EngineOwning and claim that they have violated DMCA laws by distributing cheats, a claim the company may not be able to fight in court. EngineOwning’s website boasts that it sells “high quality cheats” and that “everyone should have the ability to win and enjoy online matches.” The website has cheats for numerous games developed by Activision and some not. Among the company’s offerings are cheats for 2019’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Vanguard, Battlefield V, and Halo Infinite.
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Activision’s lawsuit does not state how much money the company wants from EngineOwning, instead simply stating that “Activision is entitled to monetary damages, injunctive and other equitable relief, and punitive damages against Defendants.”
For Activision, the publisher behind the Call of Duty franchise, taking action against cheat developers and distributors has become routine. The company has previously taken down multiple cheat distributors, either through legal action or threatening legal action through cease and desist letters.
Legal action has been one of Activision’s main tools in fighting Call of Duty Warzone’s seemingly endless flood of cheaters. The company’s other tool is a new and improved anti-cheat system. Called Ricochet, the new system may actually be paying off, with players praising Activision after finding fewer cheaters in their games.