After Announcing Perfect Dark Reboot, Senior Dev Drew Murray Leaves Xbox For Sony Studio

Game developer Drew Murray was one of the first employees of the Xbox studio The Initiative, which recently announced a Perfect Dark reboot, but now he’s on the move. After leaving The Initiative some time ago, Murray has now announced he has joined Insomniac Games as a Principal Designer.

This is a homecoming of sorts, as Murray previously worked at Insomniac from 2005-2015. During his time there he contributed to Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Resistance 2, and Resistance 3. His final position at Insomniac during his first run with the company was game director on Sunset Overdrive.

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Murray worked at The Initiative as a lead designer and design director for more than two years. The Initiative announced its first game, a Perfect Dark reboot, in December 2020.

Insomniac Games is on a hot streak. The studio released Marvel’s Spider-Man in 2018, which was recently followed up by Spider-Man: Miles Morales, both of which were big hits. The company’s next game is Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart for PS5, which launches in June.

In 2019, Sony spent more than $200 million to acquire Insomniac Games to make them a first-party studio. Insomniac does not have any future titles that have been announced yet.

About Eddie Makuch

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