Age of Mythology is finally getting its very own Definitive Edition with Age of Mythology Retold, Xbox has announced in today’s 25th Anniversary broadcast.
Released in 2002, Age of Mythology brought a fantastical take to the classic Age of Empires formula, with playable cultures based off Greek, Egyptian, and Norse mythology. Players could create mythical units by spending a new resource called ‘favor,’ which was earned by praying to or honoring a god of choice. New cultures Atlanteans and Chinese were added in subsequent expansions, as well as the ability to summon huge, destructive Titans.
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Age of Mythology got an Extended Edition re-release in 2014 that added a number of upgrades including Twitch support and some graphical enhancement, but now is in line for the same Definitive Edition treatment that the three mainline Age of Empire games have already received.
“We know that the Age of Mythology community has been hopefully waiting for a Definitive Edition, and we’ll be delivering,” World’s Edge’s blog post about the announcement reads. “We’re working hard to bring you the glory of the original game with updated graphics, features and more.”
During the same anniversary broadcast, Microsoft also announced that Age of Empires II and IV will be coming to Xbox consoles for the first time.