Alan Wake 2 Guides Hub

Alan Wake 2 takes you to lands beset by danger. Although the quaint locales of Washington seem peaceful, evil lurks and denizens continue to emerge. The Dark Place, meanwhile, is still filled with unimaginable horrors, a prison where there’s no escape and all hope is lost. It’s survival-horror at its finest, and we’ve got our Alan Wake 2 guides hub to help you along the way.

Table of Contents [hide]Alan Wake 2 guides hubGeneral guidesSaga collectiblesAlan collectibles

Alan Wake 2 guides hub

General guides

These topics discuss facets and mechanics that you’re bound to encounter during the campaign. We’ve even included some items and puzzles that are required for progression.

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All weapon locations – We talk about all the weapons that you can obtain in the game, both for Alan and Saga.

Inventory upgrades – Inventory space is limited, but there are ways to gain additional rows and slots for your characters.

How to get the Screwdriver – The Screwdriver lets you force open locked containers, and even a few doors.

How to get the Bolt Cutters – Padlocked and chained gates? Worry no more since the Bolt Cutters will get the job done.

Coffee World Gift Shop puzzle – This small shop in an abandoned theme park has a key that you need to progress.

Saga collectibles

These Alan Wake 2 guides focus more on Saga Anderson’s arc. We discuss the optional tasks and extra goodies, such as collectibles, puzzles, and rewards, that you’ll find while advancing further in her campaign.

Mayor Setter Charm: Reveal collectibles – Those campaign slogans aren’t just for show. They actually reward an accessory that can reveal various resources and points of interest.

Alex Casey Lunchboxes – We found all these little containers in the game. These yield upgrade materials that let you select boosts for Saga’s weapons.

Cult Stashes – We also managed to locate and unlock all of these crates. They happen to have their own puzzles, such as keycode combinations based on glowing symbols or brain-cracking math equations.

Nursery Rhymes and Dolls – Yes, we also completed all puzzles related to Nursery Rhymes. These require you to decipher clues so you can place dolls in the correct spots/drawings. Creepy things happen as a result.

Witchfinder’s Station secret Nursery Rhyme – There’s even a secret Nursery Rhyme, and we’ve got you covered.

Taxidermy Deer Heads – You can pet these mounted deer heads while playing as Saga.

Alan collectibles

We’ve also got a guide for the celebrated yet controversial author, whom you’ll need to aid in the Dark Place. Take note that there are portions of the campaign where you’d be able to freely switch between Saga and Alan so you can try their respective chapters.

Words of Power – These glowing glyphs are scribbled on walls. They might not look like much, but you’ll soon realize that they unlock powerful perks, which can significantly improve Alan’s survivability.

Alan Wake 2 brings the thrills, chills, and kills; it’s a murder mystery that turns into a mind-bending survival-horror romp. We’ll continue adding more articles to our Alan Wake 2 guides hub, so stay tuned.

About Jason Rodriguez

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