All Bunny Day DIY Recipes In Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons‘ Bunny Day event revolves around collecting eggs in a variety of ways, and while you can eat them like fruit, their primary purpose is to be used in crafting. If you’re able to craft all of the new items from the event, Zipper T. Bunny promises a special gift of some sort, so there’s a reason to collect all the DIY recipes and craft everything, even if you aren’t planning on decorating your house with them.

There are a ton of new DIY recipes you’ll earn during the course of the event, and they all call for the use of eggs. But how do you get recipes and how many recipes are there? We’ve assembled some tips on where to find Bunny Day recipes and have amassed a list of each one you’ll need to craft to get Zipper’s reward. Cross-reference our list with your own crafting list and see how many you might still need to hunt down! Bunny Day begins this year on April 4.

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How To Get Bunny Day Recipes

Much like eggs, recipes are acquired in a number of ways that mostly align with regular activities. You’ll want to scavenge your beaches each day, as you may find a special message-in-a-bottle with a recipe inside. Likewise, your neighbors may have some to share–if one of them excitedly approaches you, be sure to chat with them. You’ll make their day and potentially get something to show for it.

The most common source of recipes seems to be from the gifts you get by popping balloons with a slingshot. During the event, in addition to the appearance of standard present-bearing balloons, you’ll see special Bunny Day-themed balloons appear. Shoot them down and you’ll find yourself with either a Sky egg or another recipe.

In addition to these recipes, which include things like wallpapers and furniture, there are clothing recipes. Collect enough of a specific egg type, and you’ll receive three corresponding recipes: a shell, an outfit, and shoes. There are also the Egg Party hat and Egg Party dress recipes, which seem to unlock based on acquiring all of the egg-specific recipes. There are 20 required Bunny Day recipes you need to collect and craft to be rewarded on Bunny Day. The outfits are optional.

Every Bunny Day DIY Recipe


Bunny Day archBunny Day bedBunny Day crownBunny Day fenceBunny Day festive balloonsBunny Day flooringBunny Day glowy garlandBunny Day lampBunny Day merry balloonsBunny Day rugBunny Day stoolBunny Day tableBunny Day vanityBunny Day wall clockBunny Day wardrobeBunny Day wreathBunny Day wallBunny Day wandBunny Day bagWobbling Zipper Toy


Leaf-egg outfitLeaf-egg shellLeaf-egg shoesSky-egg outfitSky-egg shellSky-egg shoesStone-egg outfitStone-egg shellStone-egg shoesWater-egg outfitWater-egg shellWater-egg shoesWood-egg outfitWood-egg shellWood-egg shoesEarth-egg shoesEarth-egg outfitEarth-egg shellEgg Party hatEgg Party dress


When Zipper T. Bunny arrives on Bunny Day, he’ll give you additional recipes to craft: the Bunny Day Arch, a Wobbling Zipper Toy, and the final reward, the Bunny Day Wand.

Bunny Day begins April 4. In the meantime, have a look at what new fish and bugs are available in April.

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