All Fortnite Season 5, Week 10 Challenges Guide

Fortnite Season 5, Week 10 challenges are now live, and this time they’re pretty straightforward. You’ll be asked to eliminate five IO Guards, dance, swim, eat food, destroy a whole lot of sofas, beds, and chairs, and more. You should be able to complete several of these in one match, provided you land in the right spot. Our maps will help with that, so keep on reading to find out more. If you’re looking forward to Season 6, you shouldn’t have to wait much longer.

Use food consumables

Food consumables like corn and cabbage appear throughout the island in produce boxes or as forageable items like mushrooms and apples. You only need to consume three of these items to complete this challenge for 20,000 XP.

Eliminations with Common Weapons

This one can easily be completed while playing normally, but you’ll want to get it out of the way early in the game, before people start picking up higher-tier firearms. We recommend dropping in somewhere highly populated and finding a Common weapon as soon as you can–if you’re not aware, Common weapons can be identified by their white glow. It won’t be hard to find one–they are common, after all. You only need to get one kill with a common weapon to complete this challenge for 20,000 XP.

Go for a swim at Lazy Lake

This one couldn’t be easier. Go to Lazy Lake and start swimming. That’s all there is to it. Below is where you’ll find Lazy Lake.

Complete this challenge once for 20,000 XP.

Dance near Pleasant Park

Get your favorite emote ready and head to Pleasant Park to complete this challenge. Here’s where to find Pleasant Park:

Complete this challenge once for 20,000 XP.

Deal melee damage

For this challenge, you need to deal 300 points of melee damage. This can be tricky if you’re not great with the pickaxe. If you’re struggling with this challenge, we recommend you drop in with a squad. Down opponents as a group (or solo) and take out downed enemies with the pickaxe for an easy 100 points of melee damage. You will get 20,000 XP for completing this challenge.

Upgrade weapons

Several NPCs in Fortnite can upgrade your weapon mid-game. Upgrade three weapons in order to complete this challenge for 20,000 XP.

Eliminate IO Guards

IO Guards are tough NPCs that spawn in groups all around the map. Check out our guide on where to find IO Guards for more detail on how to track them down–one of last week’s challenges asked players to shakedown guards, so if you’ve completed that one already, taking them down should be no problem. Eliminate five guards to complete this challenge for 20,000 XP.

Destroy sofas, beds, or chairs

The legendary quest task this week is to destroy sofas, beds, or chairs–simple enough. You can earn up to 143,000 XP if you hit every milestone. That’s 100 sofas, beds, or chairs destroyed.

About Lonnie Rad

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