All The PC Games Confirmed For E3 2021

E3 2021 and all of the gaming events around it are rapidly approaching–in fact, some have already begun. This means that it’s time for game announcements and surprises across various platforms, including PC. While there usually is an air of mystery around what games will and will not be at the show, there are some games that we do know will be there. Below, you can find the full list of games coming to PC that are confirmed to be at E3 2021.

The majority of PC games that are appearing at E3 will be featured in the Guerrilla Collective‘s two showcases, which take place on June 5 and 12 and will show off a variety of indie titles. Games like Anno: Mutationem, Moonglow Bay, and Loot River will all be making an appearance and are confirmed to be coming to PC.

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Another showcase that is confirmed to have some PC games is the Xbox and Bethesda showcase on June 13. Details on what games will be present are scarce, but the art used to announce the showcase included images from both Halo Infinite and Starfield. Halo Infinite is confirmed to be coming to PC, although Bethesda currently hasn’t announced what platforms Starfield will release on. That said, Bethesda’s previous titles have been on PC and Microsoft puts most of its first-party titles on PC at launch, so Starfield will probably be coming to PC. In addition to those two titles, other Xbox Game Studios games, like Avowed, the new Perfect Dark, Fable, and more might make an appearance at the show, but no guarantees.

That covers the majority of PC games confirmed to be at E3; however, there are multiple showcases happening that might feature PC games that you should keep an eye on. The PC Gaming Show will also be happening on June 13, but no games have been confirmed for the show just yet. Ubisoft Forward is happening on June 12 and is expected to have upcoming titles Riders Republic and Rainbow Six Quarantine, both of which are coming to PC.

There are plenty of gaming showcases to watch, and GameSpot has a full E3 presentation schedule in addition to a full list of all the games confirmed for E3, regardless of platform. While not every presentation is guaranteed to feature games coming to PC, there will still be plenty of interesting surprises.

Check out the full list of all the PC games confirmed to be at E3 2021 and the surrounding events; we’ll continue to update this list as more are confirmed.

All The PC Games Confirmed For E3 2021

AK-xolotlAeon DriveAkatoriAnno: MutationemArchvaleAssassin’s Creed ValhallaBabylon’s FallBatora: Lost HavenBear and BreakfastBeasts of Maravilla IslandBehind the FrameBlack BookBloodstained: Ritual of the NightBlooming Business CasinoBrawlhallaChernobyliteDeath TrashDeath’s DoorDemon’s MirrorDespot’s GameDying Light 2: Stay HumanElderandEl Paso, ElsewhereEndlingEternal CylinderFalling FrontierFar Cry 6Fire TonightFor HonorGhostrunner 2GrimeGrow: Song of the EvertreeGuild of DungeoneeringHalo InfiniteHappy’s Humble Burger farmHello Neighbor 2HumankindIndustriaKitsune TailsKraken AcademyKung Fu KickballLamentumLegend of KeepersLife is Strange: True ColorsLoot RiverMarvel’s AvengersMoonglow BayMonster Hunter RiseMonster Hunter Stories 2MoroiMy Lovely WifeNaraka: BladepointNo Longer HomeOmnoOnsen MasterOobletsParalivesPhantom AbyssPotion CraftRainbow Six SiegeRainbow Six ExtractionRawmenResident Evil VillageRiders RepublicRubi: The Wayward MiraRun Die Run AgainSableSerial CleanersSevered SteelShadow Warrior 3Slime HeroesSource of MadnessStarfield (Expected to come to PC, but platforms have not been confirmed)Super Space ClubTamarindo’s Freaking DinnerThe Crew 2The Gecko GodsThe Great Ace Attorney ChroniclesThe Legend of TiandingThe LightbringerThe Light of DarknessTinkertownTrackmaniaTrash SailorsTrifoxUnmetalUnpackingVampire the Masquerade – SwansongVenice 2089VertigoWatch Dogs: LegionWhite ShadowsWolfstrideYngletZodiac Legion

E3 2021 News & Announcements

Nintendo Switch OLED Announced, Coming October 8 E3 2021: Schedule, Participants, And What To Expect Xbox & Bethesda E3 Showcase Announcements: Starfield, Halo Infinite, Diablo 2 + Show More E3 2021 News & Announcements Links (4) Nintendo Direct E3 2021 Announcements: Breath Of The Wild 2, Metroid Dread, Advance Wars E3 2021 Games Confirmed So Far Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 Announcements: Far Cry 6, Mario + Rabbids 2, Avatar Square Enix E3 2021 Stream Announcements: Guardians Of The Galaxy, Final Fantasy Origin, Babylon's Fall

About James Carr

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