Amazon Prime Members Can Claim An Exclusive Lost Ark Bundle Right Now

To celebrate the launch of Amazon Game Studios’ free-to-play MMO Lost Ark, Prime Gaming is offering exclusive in-game content to all members.

From today, Amazon Prime members who have their account linked to Twitch can claim the Lost Ark Battle Pack on Prime Gaming, which includes the Crystalline Aura, Amethyst Shard Pack, and Battle Chest Bundle. On top of that, players interested in jumping into early access ahead of the game’s launch on February 11 can also pick up the Lost Ark Founder’s Pack, which provides players with an inventory of exclusive items that will be helpful during their time playing the MMO.

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Now Playing: Lost Ark: Launch Gameplay Trailer

Throughout February, additional Lost Ark Prime Gaming offers will also be available to claim, although the dates have yet to be confirmed so members will need to keep an eye out for updates. Other offers include several free PC games, such as Stellaris, Ashwalkers: A Survival Journey, As Far As The Eye, Double Kick Heroes, and Golazo! Soccer League, as well as free in-game content for titles like Rainbow Six Extraction, Apex Legends, Battlefield 2042, and more.

Lost Ark, which was developed by Smilegate and launched in Korea at the end of 2019, was recently brought to the West and has been gaining big numbers on Twitch due to its early access launch and Twitch reward drops. Just yesterday, the game brought 1.3 million viewers to the livestreaming service after a number of streamers partnered with Amazon to promote the MMO.

Some rewards that are currently available to viewers for watching include a Battle Item Chest, an Arkesia Paper Hat Chest, a Helgaia Pet Chest, and a gold Neugier hoverboard mount, but players will need to link their Steam account to Twitch to claim the drops from February 8-28.

Here’s a helpful guide on how to play Lost Ark in early access.

About Demi Williams

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