Ambitious Mod Recreates Half-Life In Doom Engine

Half-Life and Doom are two classic shooters that have stood the test of time, but they don’t have a lot in common beyond that. Well, one modder has decided to add the peanut butter that is Half-Life to the chocolate of Doom, and the result is a unique mod that’s as impressive as it is strange.

Modder “LoliKololi” is the mind behind the project. Titled “Half-Life: Another Story,” the finished mod will apparently tell the story of a soldier trapped within Black Mesa during the events of the first game. Real heads know that this makes Another Story a sort of spiritual successor to Opposing Force, an expansion pack which starred Corporal Adrian Shephard and his loveable pet Spore Launcher.

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While the mod is currently in demo form, it translates many of the iconic elements of the original Half-Life to the GZDoom source port, including 2D versions of enemies like the headcrab and zombie. LoliKololi even imported subtle elements like the footstep sound and flickering light effects from the original game, so it’s quite authentic to the original experience. Still, as a longtime fan of both games, it’s a bit strange to see them mashed up like this, but that’s the fun of modding.

In other Doom news, footage of the cancelled follow-up to Doom 3 emerged into the wild a few months ago. Often referred to as “Doom 4,” this apparent “Call of Duty clone” was shelved and subsequently retooled into the 2016 reboot that we all know and love.

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