Among Us Dev Reveals The Impact Of Going On Jimmy Fallon

The popular game Among Us recently aired on national TV in the United States on Jimmy Fallon’s late night TV show, The Tonight Show. This promotion didn’t do much to improve the visibility, traffic, or sales of the game, according to community director Victoria Tran.

The segment aired on April 15 and it was a “pretty uneventful” moment for Among Us in terms of player numbers, Tran said in a Twitter thread. As you can see in the chart, Among Us had around 2 million daily active users in the US that day and there was no spike (or decrease) related to the game’s appearance on Fallon’s late night TV show. Two million daily active users is a breathtaking figure that most games will never reach, but it was not out of the ordinary for Among Us.

SMG Studio, the developer of Moving Out, replied to Tran’s tweet, saying, “Casually flexin that 2M [daily active users] like its nothing,” with the head-exploding emoji.

Tran also shared an image of the Among Us Steam page store visits chart, which showed no major change in people visiting the game’s page after Fallon’s show.

Tran remarked that none of these results are surprising given that, in the US, Among Us has already reached “high media saturation.” Had the event been tied in with some news or an update about Among Us, there might have been a bump in players, she said. Tran also stated that she believes most people who watched the Fallon segment were already fans of the game.

Going on Fallon’s late night show might not have boosted Among Us’ player numbers or sales by any significant margin, but it wasn’t a waste of time. Appearing on the show helped keep “chatter” about the game going strong, she said, and it was a “highlight/rallying point” for the Among Us community. It was also done for charity and people seemed to have fun with the event, Tran remarked. “It was fun and cool and heck!!!” she said.

“We’re obvi in a very privileged position and extremely grateful! It seemed like a rare opp to share stats on something like this, even if it didn’t translate to a bump. But success isn’t always measured in sales, and this was a win in our minds,” Tran said.

Among Us was recently updated with a new map, the Airship. For more, check out GameSpot’s extended coverage in the story below.

The New Among Us Airship Map Brings The Heat With New Ways To Play

About Eddie Makuch

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