Animal Crossing: New Horizons 1.10 Update Now Live, Adds "New Wrinkles" To Returning Events

Animal Crossing: New Horizons‘ 1.10.0 update is now live. Beyond a handful of new seasonal items, this update doesn’t seem to add much in the way of new content to the Switch life sim; rather, it primarily refreshes a trio of returning May and June holidays with some “new wrinkles.”

First up is the May Day celebration, starting April 29 and ending May 7. Players will receive a May Day ticket that gives them one-time access to a “rather interesting island.” The announcement from Nintendo UK confirms this year’s island will not be the same as last year’s May Day Maze, but Rover, the train-riding cat from the original Animal Crossing, will return.

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Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Horizons – "Your Island In April" Update Trailer

Next is the International Museum Day event taking place May 18 to May 31. Upon visiting the museum and talking to Blathers, players can receive a stamp card that can be filled out by viewing exhibits. All four wings of the museum–insects, fish, fossils and art–will contain unique stamps to collect throughout the event.

Finally is Wedding Season June 1 to June 30, and Cyrus and Reese from Animal Crossing New Leaf will return to Harvey’s island for their first anniversary. Players can meet with the happy couple, decorate the photo studio, and take special wedding photos with them throughout the month of June. New wedding-themed clothing and furniture options will be available all month long in both Nook’s Cranny and the Able Sisters’ shop.

The update will also make new seasonal items available throughout May and June, including items themed around Japan’s Children’s Day (April 28 to May 5), Mother’s Day (all of May), the UK’s Cheese Rolling event (May 22 to May 31), Father’s Day (all of June) and more. You can read the full patch notes, taken from Nintendo’s support website, below.

New Horizons’ previous update brought prom season to the island with special clothing options as well as April Fools’ Day activities. The game continues to sell well a year after its launch, ranking eighth on the March NPD sales list, so more updates can be expected throughout the summer and beyond.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ver. 1.10.0 Patch Notes

General updates

The May Day, International Museum Day, and “wedding season” seasonal events have been updated.It’s now possible to wake up from a dream by using the – Button.The following content has also been added: Additional limited-time seasonal items from Nook Shopping.

Fixed issues

Fixed an issue where the player could build a fence on the pier when standing on top of a custom design placed on the ground.Other adjustments and corrections were made to improve the game play experience.

About Jason Fanelli

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