Animal Crossing: New Horizons' Mario Items Now Live

Animal Crossing: New Horizons‘ Mario update has arrived. The game’s 1.8.0 patch is now available to download, and it introduces a line of Super Mario-themed furniture, clothing, and other items to the popular Switch life sim, as well as a handful of new seasonal items.

Although Nintendo rolled out the 1.8.0 update on February 25, the new Mario items have just gone live in the game. You can now order the Mario items from Nook Shopping beginning today, March 1, and they include question blocks, Super Mushrooms, Thwomps, fire flowers, and outfits based on Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Princess Peach.

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Now Playing: Animal Crossing Super Mario Bros. Update | Nintendo Direct

You’ll also be able to order warp pipes and place them around your island. Unlike most of the other Mario furniture, these aren’t merely decorative; if you place two at different points around your island and enter one, you will emerge from the other, just like in the Mario games. If you’ve placed more than two, the pipe you emerge from will be chosen randomly.

Unlike in previous Animal Crossing games, it appears the Mario items in New Horizons will be easily attainable; you’ll be able to buy them with bells from the “promotion” section of Nook Shopping, which is where the Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp items are also found. Everyone who downloads and installs the update will also receive a free Mushroom mural wallpaper in the mail.

You can see the full list of Mario items confirmed in Nintendo’s February 2021 Direct below. Many of these items were in previous Animal Crossing games as part of the Mario item set; the mushroom platforms and rugs are new to the series, while this set is apparently missing the cannon and fire bar, which were in previous games.

Every Mario Item In Animal Crossing: New Horizons

1-Up MushroomBlockCoinFire FlowerFloating blockGoal PoleLarge Mushroom PlatformPipeShellSmall Mushroom PlatformSuper MushroomSuper StarThwomp? BlockLuigi hatMario hatPrincess Peach crownWario hatLuigi ‘stacheMario ‘stacheWario ‘stacheLuigi outfitMario outfitPrincess Peach dressWario outfitLuigi shoesMario shoesPrincess Peach shoesWario shoesMushroom mural (wallpaper)Block flooringLakitu’s Cloud rugYoshi’s Egg rug

In addition to the Mario furniture, the 1.8.0 update also introduced more new seasonal items celebrating Shamrock Day, Pi Day, and other March holidays. These items will be available to order from Nook Shopping at different points in March, so be sure to check the catalog throughout the month.

Nintendo has been steadily rolling out new updates for Animal Crossing: New Horizons since its release last year. The game’s previous update arrived back in late January and introduced the Festivale event as well as new reactions and a variety of seasonal items. Nintendo will be rolling out another update for New Horizons on March 18, and this one will introduce Sanrio-inspired villagers and items to the game.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons News And Guides

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About Kallie Plagge

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