Another GameStop Hollywood Project Is Happening, Bringing Total To 5

Hollywood continues to flock to the GameStop/Reddit stock price drama. The company that made the Hillary Clinton documentary for Hulu, Propagate, has announced it will produce a documentary about the drama alongside The Wall Street Journal.

The documentary is called This Is Not Financial Advice and it will be directed by Hannah Olson (HBO’s Baby God). According to Deadline, this documentary will look into the “stock market chaos” that kicked off with GameStop and its short squeeze triggered by day-traders on Reddit.

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“It will examine the origins and inner workings of the digital and social investment communities that turned new investors into millionaires and drove a billion-dollar hedge fund and financial services company to seek capital,” Deadline reported.

“Key figures” involved in the drama are said to be involved, though none were named outright. One of the biggest Reddit investors, DFV, recently lost millions of dollars–on paper, at least–due to the cratering of GameStop’s stock price after the boom.

GameStop’s share price has fallen back down to Earth in the past week, trading at around $60 per share on Monday, but this is still a huge increase from where GameStop was trading a year ago when it was about $5 per share.

This Is Not Financial Advice is already in production; cameras started rolling last week, according to Deadline.

This is at least the fifth movie or TV show based on the GameStop saga that has been announced in the past couple weeks. Console Wars director Jonah Tulsi also recently announced a movie, following on from the previously announced HBO, MGM, and Netflix projects.

About Eddie Makuch

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