Apex Legends Ballistic Trailer Confirms His Leaked Abilities

With Apex Legends Season 17: Arsenal set to launch in just under a week, developer Respawn Entertainment has released a new legend-centric gameplay trailer called “Meet Ballistic.” The latest pre-season trailer gives players a better look at how Ballistic’s abilities will perform in-game, and even adds a bit more legend lore: According to the trailer, Pathfinder used to be Ballistic’s housekeeper–one of many ill-fated career paths the friendly MRVN attempted to pursue before joining the Apex Games.

The trailer also confirms that all of the new legend’s abilities are indeed the same ones various data miners have been sharing online for weeks (though the names of some abilities have changed). From deadly homing bullets to some seriously heavy firepower, Ballistic’s skillset indicates he’ll make for a highly beneficial addition to any squad–and an extremely challenging foe to those unlucky enough to face off with him in the ring.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends – "Meet Ballistic" Character Gameplay Trailer

Respawn has listed Ballistic’s abilities as follows:

Passive – Sling: Ballistic can store a third weapon in the sling, which can be accessed via the player’s inventory, or by performing a Character Utility Action (pressing the button that lets you thank teammates or announce your ultimate is ready). The sling cannot take weapon attachments.Tactical – Whistler: Ballistic shoots a projectile that heats up the enemy’s firearm, causing them to temporarily lose control of their weapon. Enemies take damage when their weapon overheats. Hold the tactical button to lock-on to a target.Ultimate – Tempest: When activated, Ballistic’s squad gets a temporary buff that simultaneously decreases reload times, unarmed move speed, and infinite ammo. Any weapon stored in Ballistic’s Weapon Sling will be instantly equipped as his main weapon and upgraded to gold-tier for the duration of the buff.

Ballistic has been categorized as an Assault-class legend, meaning he will have access to two additional useful abilities to complement his own unique trio of combat skills. These class-based abilities are as follows:

Access Weapon Supply Bins: Ballistic can unlock the hidden Smart Loot compartment located inside the red Weapon Supply Bins that are scattered around the Apex’s various maps. The loot in these compartments will always be high-tier weapon attachments for whatever weapons Ballistic has equipped at the moment.Carry Extra Ammo: Ballistic can carry an extra 20 rounds of Energy Ammo, Heavy Ammo, and Light Ammo per inventory slot. He has extra room for other ammo types as well; he can hold 5 extra Shotgun Ammo and 9 extra Sniper Ammo per stack.

The new trailer has given us a glimpse of what’s to come, but Apex’s playerbase won’t truly get to know this new legend until he becomes available as a playable character. Still, there’s one thing we know for sure: This refined gunslinger is kicking off Season 17 with a bang. To learn more about the 63-year-old Gaean native, check out everything we know about Ballistic–including his middle name, and the heartbreaking origin of the orange glasses he began wearing when he returned to the world of bloodsports.

Apex Legends Season 17: Arsenal goes live on Tuesday, May 9 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. For more detailed, up-to-date info on the upcoming season, see our breakdown of all the new content coming to Apex when Arsenal launches next week. Until then, players may wish to take advantage of Season 16’s current double XP event to finish out their Revelry battle pass (or just snag some free cosmetics).

Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC.

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About Claire Lewis

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