Apex Legends Bangalore Cinematic Is A Reminder That Titanfall's Pilots Are Terrifying

A new Apex Legends cinematic dives deep into the origins of playable character Bangalore, along the way serving as a reminder of just how deadly the Titanfall universe’s Pilots can be.

The cel-shaded cinematic takes place after the Battle of Gridiron, a pivotal moment in the Frontier War between the IMC (the baddies of Titanfall 1 and 2) and the various settlers fighting for independence.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends Stories from the Outlands Gridiron Bangalores Backstory

Bangalore is gravely injured in battle by a cloaked Pilot, before waking up in a strange new environment with her brother, Jackson. It’s there that she must choose between returning to fight for the IMC or starting a new life with her brother. That leads to a final confrontation that, well, we won’t spoil it for you. The cinematic also shows how Bangalore received her in-game heirloom weapon, Cold Steel.

The cinematic does a great job of establishing Bangalore as a character torn between her duty as a soldier and loyalty to her family, along the way serving as a great reminder that Pilots in the Apex Legends/Titanfall universe are terrifying. They can dash through the air, wall-run, and become invisible. They are practically ninjas, and the cinematic shows a skilled Pilot is to be truly feared. And that’s all without the Pilot jumping into their own personal giant mech to wreak havoc across the battlefield.

Pilots, of course, were the stars of Titanfall 1 and 2 prior to Apex Legends’ release. Apex Legends character Valkyrie describes herself as a Pilot, though given that Blisk, an actual Pilot, seems to scoff at the notion, it may be that she actually hasn’t proven herself to be one and undergone the necessary training. She also isn’t able to call down a Titan in Respawn’s battle royale game, though her jetpack is made from the salvaged remains of her father’s Northstar Titan, giving her some of the mech’s abilities.

Respawn recently removed the original Titanfall from sale following ongoing issues that have plagued the multiplayer-only title for years. Servers will remain online so that Titanfall is still playable for those who already own the game. Despite the original Titanfall being pulled from shelves, Respawn has stated it is committed to the future of the franchise, though no announcements regarding a possible Titanfall 3 have been made.

About Cameron Koch

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