Apex Legends Battle Passes: Respawn Has No Plans To Bring Back The Old Ones (For Now)

Apex Legends Season 10, titled Emergence, has started, and the patch notes are live. That means the battle royale game is getting its tenth battle pass. In Apex Legends, every subsequent battle pass replaces the one before it and the old battle passes have never returned, a pattern that Respawn isn’t planning on changing (for now anyway).

“We’re always trying to make the content in the battle pass extra special for our players and currently have no plans to bring anything back, but it’s something we might be open to down the road to celebrate past seasons,” Apex Legends game director Chad Grenier told GameSpot.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends Emergence – Everything You Need To Know

So unlike the cosmetics initially tied to events that now repeatedly pop back into the game for short spurts of limited time, like Wraith’s Legendary Voidwalker skin and Bloodhound’s Legendary Youngblood skin, it looks as if the rewards tied to individual battle passes are going to stay that way for the forseeable future.

It’s worth noting, most free-to-play games with seasonal battle passes follow the same model that Apex Legends does, only keeping each battle pass in the game for a limited time. That said, it will be interesting to see if studios decide to change the course based on the reaction to Halo Infinite, as developer 343 Industries has revealed that Halo Infinite’s battle passes won’t expire to prevent players from feeling like they need to grind.

Apex Legends’ battle passes traditionally reward players with unique loading screens, intro and kill quips, skydive emotes, banner poses, stat trackers, weapon charms, Crafting Metals, Apex Coins, Apex Packs, weapon and character skins, and badges.

The notable rewards for each battle pass can only be unlocked via its paid premium track. Since the start of Year 2 with Season 4: Assimilation, the biggest four rewards have been unlocked at levels 25, 50, 100, and 110. Those rewards are two Legendary character skins, one tied to level 25 and the other to 50, and two reactive Legendary weapon skins, with the first unlocked at level 100 and a recolor of the first at 110.

For Emergence, the two Legendary character skins in the battle pass are for Horizon and Valkyrie. The reactive Legendary weapon skins are for the Volt SMG.

About Jordan Ramée

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