Apex Legends Beast Of Prey Event Guide

Beast of Prey, Apex Legends‘ latest Collection Event, went live on Tuesday with an update that brought a new limited-time mode, some slight meta changes, and loads of new cosmetic items to the game–including Loba’s long-awaited Heirloom weapon. The event is significant enough that the game’s developers saw fit to schedule two Reddit AMAs to answer players’ questions about Apex’s upcoming changes.

The first AMA was primarily focused on the new Gun Run LTM, and took place yesterday. The second AMA will concern legends, weapons, and the game’s overall meta. It is scheduled to take place on the official Apex Legends subreddit today at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET. With enough content to fill two Reddit AMA’s, the Beast of Prey event has quite a lot to offer, so keep reading for a feature-by-feature breakdown of everything this jam-packed event has in store.

Gun Run

Arguably the most exciting new feature to arrive alongside the Beast of Prey update, Gun Run is a new limited-time mode that offers an Outlands-style take on the standard Gun Game formula. Four squads of four players must fight their way to victory by working through a 25-weapon arsenal one kill at a time. Any teams that reach 25 kills have their firearms replaced with throwing knives that give all members on that squad the ability to single-handedly win the match. The first squad to pull off a knife kill wins.

The throwing knives can be practiced with inside the firing range, so don’t forget to visit it if you’re struggling to hit your targets.

Collection Event cosmetics

The Beast of Prey cosmetic collection consists of 24 items, each of which is unlockable via Apex Coins (100 AC – $1 USD), Crafting Metals, or Beast of Prey Apex Packs (700 AC each). The following items are included in the collection:

Epic (1,000 AC / 800 Crafting Metals)

Preyed Upon Lifeline banner frameXenothrone Horizon banner frameThird Partied holo spayFlaunt It Loba skydive emoteJoyful Gigawatts Wattson EmoteOnes and Threes Mirage emoteHollow One Gibraltar legend skinBlight Walker Revenant legend skinToxic Waste CAR SMG weapon skinNoxious Spray Hemlock weapon skinBloody Gold Longbow weapon skinArctic Fox Wingman weapon skin

Legendary (1,800 AC / 2,400 Crafting Metals)

Bounty Hunter Fuse legend skinHealing Huntress Lifeline legend skinThrill of the Hunt Loba legend skinMark of Death Alternator weapon skinChunky Tech Havoc weapon skinToxic Takedown Peacekeeper weapon skinDie Tired Octane legend skinSearch and Destroy Pathfinder legend skinFrozen Carnage Rampart legend skinSecondary Jaw Rampage weapon skinGold Talons Prowler weapon skinBrood Mother Horizon legend skin

You can take a closer look at the Alien vs. Predator-inspired cosmetics in our Beast of Prey Collection Event gallery.

Loba’s Heirloom set

Unlocking all 24 Beast of Prey cosmetics will earn you Loba’s Heirloom weapon, the Garra de Alanza (“Claw of Alanza”). Modeled after a fan once owned by her late mother Alanza, Loba’s heirloom features sharp, claw-like blades and a unique inspect animation that features her slicing one of Revenant’s spare skulls in half.

Players who unlock Loba’s Heirloom set will receive the following items:

Garra de Alanza Heirloom WeaponTrazer de Volta (“return” or “bring back”) Loba banner pose”I’m in a class of my own” Loba intro quip

Loba’s Heirloom will also be available for purchase in the Mythic Store in exchange for Heirloom Shards once the event ends. Heirloom Shards are earned by opening Apex Packs, and players are guaranteed one set of Shards for every 500 Apex Packs opened.


The Beast of Prey event also features a series of rewards that can only be unlocked by accumulating Challenge Points. Challenges refresh each day, and so far, the event seems to give players the same set of challenges every day. Each challenge has a second tier, allowing you to earn more points for surpassing the initial challenge.

The first tier of challenges are as follows:

Play 2 matchesDeal 1,500 damageGet 5 kills or assists in any modeGet 5 knockdowns in battle royaleGet a Top 10 finish in battle royale 4 times

You’ll need a total of 5,000 Challenge Points to earn all of the event’s free rewards.

You can also earn the following badges for performing specific feats on the battlefield. The following badges can be obtained by completing the corresponding challenges:

Beast of Prey Devastator: Deal 50,000 damage in any mode during the Beast of Prey eventBeast of Prey Exterminator: Get 200 kills or assists in any mode during the Beast of Prey eventBeast of Prey Arms Dealer: Win 10 matches of Gun Run during the Beast of Prey eventBeast of Prey Master: Earn all other Beast of Prey badges

Free rewards

As you rack up Challenge Points, you’ll earn the following rewards:

Horizon stat tracker set (wins/damage done/kills): 500 / 1,250 / 2,000 Challenge PointsVantage stat tracker set (wins/damage done/kills): 750 / 2,500 / 4,000 Challenge PointsBeasts of Prey banner badge: 250 Challenge PointsBeasts of Prey music pack: 250 Challenge PointsApex Pack: 1,000 Challenge PointsHunter’s Pack weapon charm (Epic): 1,500 Challenge PointsStalker Vantage legend skin (Epic): 3,000 Challenge PointsArctic Calibration Devotion weapon skin (Legendary): 3,500 Challenge PointsKiller Carapice Flatline weapon skin (Legendary): 5,000 Challenge Points

Store bundles

There will also be a series of store bundles available while the event is live.

September 20 – 27:

September 27 – October 4:

The Beast of Prey Collection Event runs until October 4, so make sure you start grinding out those Challenge Points if you want to snag the two free Legendary weapon skins from the reward track.

Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. A mobile version of the game, Apex Legends Mobile, is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

All Apex Legends Beast Of Prey Event CosmeticsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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