Apex Legends: Best Landing Spots On Storm Point

Apex Legends is all about finding the right loot to give you a leg up on your opponents, so it’s in your best interest to know which landing spots give you a shot at high-tier loot. It’s equally vital to be aware of which landing spots can give your preferred legend an advantage, too, so that you can play them to their highest potential during the early stages of a match when everyone is scrambling for guns and other important items. That being said, we’re going to take a look at the best landing spots on Apex Legend’s Storm Point map.

Cascade Falls

Loot potential: mid-tier

Cascade Falls is a popular landing spot for a variety of reasons. For starters, its layout of a central building with surrounding smaller buildings provides ample opportunities for teams to land on the outskirts to quickly loot up before being able to immediately push in for some close-quarters showdowns. Meanwhile, those who land in the center will generally be greeted with some pretty solid loot, including a fairly high chance at a gun on the bottom floor in many matches.

One of the biggest upsides to landing at Cascade Falls is that it’s one of the most common points of interest for teams to rotate to mid-game. This means that if you come out on top at drop, you can rotate to some of the smaller areas close by and then quickly return here to almost guarantee some action. If you’re already fairly stocked up from the initial drop and feel comfortable doing so, you can always set up a defensive stronghold somewhere inside the central building or taller building by the water wheel to prepare for the incoming onslaught.

Finally, Cascade Falls has an easily accessible respawn beacon to the north with a zipline that allows fallen teammates to come back in and then rapidly return to their death box while you await new squads to push. Just be aware that it’s regularly contested due to the high number of surrounding points of interest, so don’t be surprised if you have to pick a fight up there.

Storm Catcher

Loot potential: mid-tier

Storm Catcher is a common landing spot that really benefits legends who fight the best indoors. Since the overwhelming majority of the point of interest takes place inside with ample cover, it’s a fantastic spot to get in and handle some business. The loot is hit or miss, but if you’re able to get lucky with a gun or two, you’ll be able to push enemy teams effectively and make your stand without having to cover much ground at all.

Escaping from an overcrowded drop is pretty easy here, too. You can always take the ziplines out of either side for a secondary looting spot that might give you what you need to push back in, or you can fall off to the north to take the gravity canyon and get the hell out of dodge altogether.

Best of all, Storm Catcher has a respawn beacon on top of the building, granting the victors of the drop a quick and easy way of bringing in fallen allies. Just note that calling someone back in here is likely to get you pushed due to the popularity of the area.

The Wall

Loot potential: mid-tier

The Wall is a nice landing spot with a collection of buildings and a relatively open center area. When possible, it’s best to try to land on and secure one of the four buildings until you’re aware of where other teams have landed. At this point, many engagements will take place at mid-range, as many teams won’t possess the means to cross out into the open to effectively push you without taking some unwanted early-game damage.

Seeing as it sits near the upper corner of the map, The Wall provides some decent options for rotations, too. You’ll typically want to head towards Command Center for some indoor action or down toward Cascade Falls where your height advantage upon approach will give you a chance to do some recon before advancing all the way down.

The Wall has a respawn beacon sitting directly in the center of the area, but if someone manages to get a respawn in before you’re able to use it, there’s another one close by on the beach to your west. It’s not likely to be an optimal rotation, but depending on the situation, it may be better than taking a chance at a run-in at the Cascade Falls beacon.


Loot potential: mid-tier

Barometer is a favorite landing spot among streamers and players seeking a hectic but exciting initial drop. You can almost always expect at least a handful of teams to land here and aggressively push you, making it all the more important that you pay attention and land just far enough away to give you at least a moment or two to loot before you’re forced into any encounters. Best of all, with plenty of indoor and outdoor options for you to explore, you can typically have some say in where you make your stand.

Another reason for Barometer’s popularity is that it provides some of the best rotation potential on Storm Point. Due to its location on the southern center of the map, you have no shortage of populated points of interest to head towards when you’re ready to move out, including Antenna to the east, Forbidden Zones and Cascade Falls to the north, and The Mill to the west.

If you’ve had some fallen comrades, there’s a respawn beacon in Barometer, and there are plenty more along the way to most major points of interest toward which you’ll be rotating. You’ll have your squad back together in no time.


Loot potential: mid-tier

Checkpoint is typically an active place to land due to its high chance for good loot and fun layout that incentivizes gunfights at mid-to-long range. It features three main buildings and a plethora of supply bins on either side that can be used as a last-ditch effort to round up some loot if other teams beat you to a building at drop.

Checkpoint has exceptional rotations to Cascade Falls, North Pad, The Wall, and The Mill, making it an excellent choice for aggressive teams. It also has some backup options for matches where too many people land there. For instance, some green buildings just below it are good for looting and then quickly pushing up to the main area via the central zip line. You can also land at the yellow buildings even a bit further down and still manage to rotate up in a decent amount of time.

A respawn beacon is hanging out in the main portion of Checkpoint, so getting your teammates back into the fight should be relatively simple unless you’re mid-fight. There’s another down at the aforementioned yellow buildings to the south, though, if you need to put a little distance between you and any teams at Checkpoint.

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