Some players getting into Apex Legends‘ Raiders Collection Event have reported being unable to progress past a certain point in the prize track. Now, Respawn has officially acknowledged the bug, promising that a fix is in the works and instructing affected players to continue playing as normal until the fix goes live.
According to posts on the Apex subreddit, the bug seems to have first come up around five days ago–likely coinciding with a minor update that included fixes for Wattson’s heirloom being unlocked, among other things.
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Now Playing: Apex Legends: Raiders Collection Event Trailer
Players have reported getting stuck at various point levels in the prize track, with rewards that should have been unlocked not getting added to their inventories. As pointed out by one player on an Apex support thread, going into the event badge for the Raiders event will show the correct amount of points being tracked, while these changes just aren’t being reflected in the Prize Tracker.
Respawn’s tweet about the issue has instructed players to keep going with the event as usual, promising that all rewards earned will be able to be redeemed once the bug is identified and fixed. There is currently no timeframe for when the fix is expected to roll out.
Despite some issues with servers and some contentious patches earlier in the year, Apex Legends has had a strong 2021. GameSpot chose it as one of the best live-service games of the year, citing its new Arenas mode, and how it has expanded the world’s lore beyond the game itself.