Apex Legends: Cross-Progression Scheduled For 2022

Seems like cross-progression support for Apex Legends is still a ways out at this point. Developer Respawn revealed that cross-progression is currently scheduled to go live in Apex Legends in 2022.

“Next year,” Respawn director of communication Ryan Rigney wrote in a Reddit AMA, in response to when players can expect to see cross-progression. “Cross-progression is gnarly as hell in terms of being a problem to solve.”

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Now Playing: Apex Legends Emergence – Everything You Need To Know

“It’s not only that you have to solve the technical challenge of merging existing accounts, but there are also legal and contractual issues to navigate with purchasing on other platforms. Different regions have different laws. It’s a mess. But we’re working on it, and we’re committed to delivering it.”

Though cross-progression is still on the horizon, Apex Legends currently supports cross-play between Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Switch. The Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game can be played on the Xbox Series X|S and PS5 via backwards compatibility–Respawn is still working on current-gen versions of its battle royale game.

“I wish I had an update to share but we can’t say anything definitive at the moment–so can’t spoil anything here,” Rigney said in the same Reddit AMA. “Trust us though, [Xbox Series X|S and PS5 versions] are in the works and we’re excited about it too.”

Apex Legends Season 10: Emergence is in full swing. The new season introduced playable legend Seer, a stealth-driven recon character. Respawn has noted that the new character is a bit too strong, and plans to nerf Seer.

About Jordan Ramée

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