Apex Legends Hackers Accused Of Complex Plot To Revive Titanfall Online

In an attempt to create awareness for the current issues surrounding Titanfall’s multiplayer, hackers briefly took over Apex Legends last month. Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall games have been largely unplayable on PC for several months now due to constant distributed denial of service attacks, and its now alleged that the hackers looking to raise awareness may in fact be the same people responsible for Titanfall’s current problems.

The hackers who managed to advertise the site “SaveTitanfall.com” on a playlist in the lobby in Apex Legends denied any involvement with the Titanfall hackers and they released their own collection of evidence that accused several individuals of taking part in a convoluted scheme to gain access to Titanfall’s source code, as reported by Rock Paper Shotgun.

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“Originally, SaveTitanfall.com was a partnership between different Titanfall communities united to bring attention to the state of the games and give accurate information about the problems,” the report said. “Unfortunately, they decided to put their personal goals–promoting their server and personal Titanfall community project–above the good of the game and instead took advantage of the hard work of others when it was convenient for them.”

The report claims that hacker p0358 was to blame for most of Titanfall 1 and 2’s ongoing issues so that Titanfall Online could be revived. A free-to-play spin-off originally in development by Nexon for Asian markets, this project was eventually canceled in 2018.

P0358’s alleged scheme was centered on offering Titanfall fixes to Respawn in exchange for the game’s source code before a community investigation began making claims that P0358 and other partners were involved in the grand scheme.

The accused hackers have so far denied these allegations and released statements of their own to prove their innocence.

In summary, the story boils down to hackers constantly attacking both Titanfall games and supposedly posing as the eleventh-hour heroes all in an effort to gain access to the game’s source code, with the plan eventually being discovered by the game’s community. The hackers who launched their campaign on Apex Legends deny this, and both Titanfall games are still suffering from DDOS attacks on PC.

While Respawn and publisher EA are aware of the current state of the games, it’s a problem that the developer hasn’t been able to fix yet due to the games only having a skeleton crew working on them.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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