Apex Legends – Hardcore Royale Guide

Apex Legends‘ new Celestial Sunrise Collection Event is kicking off 2023 in style via a new series of 24 premium cosmetic items themed around Lunar New Year. But new cosmetics, new DDoS protection features, and a new weapon skin that’s disturbing the peace aren’t the only unique additions Celestial Sunrise has introduced to the game–the event also heralds the arrival of Apex’s latest LTM: Hardcore Royale.

Hardcore Royale offers an interesting twist on the standard battle royale formula, challenging players with taking down the competition while operating in extreme conditions. Only Common-tier armor is available, the ring starts doling out maximum damage from the very first round, and the HUD is almost entirely nonexistent, cutting players off from viewing vital information like ammo count and the minimap. As fun as this new mode is to play, it’s easy to get overwhelmed–especially for players who don’t have access to a premade squad. If you’ve found yourself repeatedly getting stomped by the competition in Hardcore Royale, use this guide to prepare for the battles ahead.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends Celestial Sunrise Collection Event

What is Hardcore Royale?

Hardcore Royale is a Celestial Sunrise-exclusive limited-time mode that adds a few twists to battle royale mode, making for a chaotic gameplay experience that’s geared towards veteran players. But whether you’ve been playing since day one or just picked up the game this week, hardcore mode can be intimidating and frustrating. Hardcore Mode alters the game in the following ways:

Players drop with Common-tier EVO Shields that do not evolvePlayers drop with no helmetHelmets do not spawnPlayers cannot swap out a depleted EVO Shield for a full one, as no shields spawn on the groundPlayers cannot use a Replicator to increase EVO Shield armorThe ring deals maximum damage starting from round oneNo HUD: Everything but the charge status of legend abilities have been removed from the HUDPlayers cannot see their shield or health status unless they are injured

While these circumstances can seem daunting at first, we’ve got some tips and tricks to help ensure you survive long enough to snag a win.


Eyes on the map

Technically, the minimap isn’t entirely gone–it will be visible from the moment you enter the dropship to the moment you land. Keep an eye on it to get your bearings. Once you’re groundside, continue to monitor your map. Although the minimap is gone from the HUD, you can still check the full-size map–just keep in mind that opening the map screen at the wrong moment will make you an easy target. It’s best to wait until you’re behind cover to give it a look.

Open mic

Communication is key in Apex Legends, but it’s vital in Hardcore Royale. Even if you’re playing with random squadmates who don’t have a microphone, don’t be afraid to turn yours on and start calling the shots–having a team leader to help coordinate things can mean the difference between first blood and champion.

Cold drop

As enjoyable as hot dropping is, it’s also an excellent way to find yourself in a deathbox. If you’re eager to get in on the action, consider a “warm” drop–land in a small area between two larger POIs so your entire squad has a chance to gear up before you encounter another squad.

Use familiar weapons

Due to the fact that you won’t be able to view your ammo count without manually pulling up your inventory page, you’re going to want to use weapons that are familiar to you. No HUD means no ability to see when you need to reload during firefights, but if you’ve been playing Apex for a while, you’ll probably have some ability to sense when you need to reload, especially if you’re using your favorite weapon. Make use of Loba’s Black Market, Replicators, and Care Packages to ensure you have access to the gear you’re comfortable with using.

Don’t be a loot goblin

If you have two weapons but your teammate still hasn’t found one, drop one of your guns for them. The “every man for himself” policy does not mesh well with Hardcore Royale, and if you hoard loot or snatch it out from under your teammates, you will very quickly wish you hadn’t. With only white shields available, it is very easy to get downed by an enemy. If your other squadmates don’t have the tools they need to defend you, all three of you will be taken down in very short order.

Scan everything

Even though scanning abilities no longer affect the minimap, they still offer a massive advantage in Hardcore Royale. Bloodhound, Crypto, and Seer’s X-ray vision abilities make them very valuable squad members, and Ash can still pinpoint enemies by scanning deathboxes, so don’t forget to make use of your abilities. This shouldn’t be too hard to remember given the fact that your abilities’ charge status is the only remaining HUD feature.

Even if your legend of choice doesn’t have scanning abilities, make sure to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Ping any enemies (or evidence of enemy activity) immediately, and keep an eye on your map so the ring doesn’t sneak up on you. You may also want to consider playing as Catalyst or Revenant so you can use your abilities to prevent your squad from being scanned and tracked down.

Stick together

Keep an eye on your surroundings and your teammates so you don’t get left behind. This is especially important when playing on the massive Broken Moon map, because the map’s rapid-transit rail system means your teammates can suddenly be hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.

But there is one exception to this rule: Do not go after a teammate who has dawdled too long and been downed outside the ring. With the damage turned up, you are guaranteed to get downed if you hang around outside the ring unless you happen to have access to a Heat Shield. Even then, it’s a risky venture. Give the ring a wide berth whenever possible.

Finish them!

The increased level of general chaos taking place in any given Hardcore Royale match means it’s a lot easier to pull off a finishing move. The absence of traditional EVO Shields means you’ll come across more downed enemies than you would in a standard match. If you have a chance to do so safely, take them out with a finisher. Doing so will ensure legends with troublesome abilities (like Lifeline and Revenant) don’t come back from the dead with the help of another squadmate.

But there’s an even better reason to use finishers in Hardcore Royale: Doing so will refill your EVO Shield as you take down your enemy, effectively killing two birds with one stone.

Hardcore Royale will be available until the Celestial Sunrise Collection Event ends on February 7. Although it can be quite challenging at first, try not to get too frustrated–with a little patience and practice, you’ll soon be showing your opponents what it really means to be a legend.

Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. A mobile version of the game, Apex Legends Mobile, is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

Apex Legends – All Celestial Sunrise Collection Event Cosmetics And RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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