Apex Legends: How To Equip Multiple Skins, Music Tracks, and Loading Screens

Apex Legends has been around for years now and that means long-time players have probably accumulated a ton of different cosmetic items. Luckily, instead of being forced to decide which character skin is your favorite, you can select multiple different skins to cycle through randomly. This works for a number of different items in the game, too, including loading screens, weapon skins, and music tracks. Here’s how to curate a selection of items to rotate through in Apex Legends.

How to add favorites

In order to select your favorites, you need to navigate to either the “Legends” tab or the “Loadout” tab on the main menu, depending on what you are trying to set. For legends skins, you will need to navigate to that specific legend’s customization page. On the “Skins” tab, you will need to equip the “random favorite” option at the top of the list and then add your desired skins to the favorite list. Currently, you can only select eight skins at once as favorites. This same method can be used to set random favorite skins for individual weapons as well.

You can also select a set of eight random favorite loading screens and music tracks, but these also offer a fully random option as well. This way, players can have the game rotate through all of their unlocked loading screens and music tracks instead of selecting just eight. This is great for players who have completed multiple battle passes and probably have more than eight favorite loading screens and music tracks. Not every customization option can be set to random favorites, however. Weapon charms, banner frames, and more don’t have the option to cycle through your selected favorites. You can see a complete list of which items you can or cannot select multiple of below.

Items that you can select multiple of:

Legends skinsGun skinsEmotesHolospraysQuipsLoad ScreensMusic Packs

Items that you cannot select multiple of:

Banner FrameBanner PoseBadgesTrackersKill QuipsIntro QuipsFinishersSkydive EmotesGun CharmsSkydive trails

Apex Legends News

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About James Carr

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