Apex Legends May Be Coming To Nintendo Switch Soon

Leaks are everywhere in the world of video games these days, and battle royale game Apex Legends appears to be the latest victim. As first uncovered by Dexerto, the Japanese version of a recent trailer for new character Fuse says that a Switch version of the game will become available on February 2.

That text was quickly scrubbed from the video description in various other languages, but fans are still holding out hope that the unintended text was a confirmation that the game is coming to Nintendo’s portable console. February 2 is the day that Apex Legends Season 8 rolls out on other platforms, and it will introduce an explosive Legend named Fuse. It also adds a new weapon, the 30-30 Repeater, which bears a strong resemblance to a famous weapon from Terminator 2.

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About Steven T. Wright

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