Apex Legends Mobile Brings In $5 Million In Its First Week

Just seven days after its May 17 launch, Apex Legends Mobile has already brought in $4.8 million from in-game purchases by players, according to mobile data tracking firm SensorTower. To put this into perspective, PUBG mobile generated only $600,000 in its first week after launching in 2018, while Call of Duty Mobile brought in a whopping $14.8 million in the week following its 2019 launch. But Apex Legends Mobile brings a lot to the table–including some serious cash.

Both mobile games have since brought in billions in revenue from player spending in the years following their release. The console/PC version of Apex Legends has now made $2 billion in revenue since its launch in early 2019, and based on this week’s SensorTower data, it’s possible that the mobile version of the popular hero-shooter could eventually surpass the original version of the game when it comes to revenue from player purchases.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends Mobile: Gameplay Launch Trailer

Apex Legends Mobile was the most-downloaded game in the iOS app store in 60 countries (including the US) last week, and was in the top ten most-downloaded games in 89 countries, so the massive amount of in-game purchases made by players isn’t too surprising. When it comes to player spending, 44% of Apex Mobile purchases were made by players in the US, who spent a total of $2.1 million in the first week of the game’s debut season, which came complete with its own battle pass, cosmetics store, and in-game currency. Japan and Thailand were also among the countries that spent the most on Respawn’s mobile battle royale last week.

Over 15 million players pre-registered for the game, and more are joining the fray each day. In addition to spending the most money on in-game purchases, the US is also in the lead for the most launch week downloads, with India and Brazil not far behind. With a new separate mobile version of Call of Duty currently in the works that is taking its gameplay cues from Warzone, it’s likely that Apex Legends Mobile will have yet another mobile battle royale to face off with.

However, the console/PC version of Warzone is immensely popular, and Call of Duty Mobile has already brought in $1.5 billion since its launch, so Respawn’s Apex Legends Mobile team will certainly have its work cut out for it when this new Call of Duty mobile version finally launches. But Apex Legends Mobile is a collaborative effort between the Titanfall 2 developer and Tencent’s Quantum & Lightspeed studio–the same studio responsible for PUBG Mobile. While PUBG Mobile’s first-week earnings paled in comparison to those of Apex Legends Mobile, PUBG has now made over $8 billion since its launch–far more than Call of Duty Mobile’s total revenue since launch–so it’s quite likely that Apex Legends Mobile will follow in PUBG’s very profitable footsteps.

Apex Legends Mobile is a free-to-play shooter now available for download on iOS and Android.

All Apex Legends Mobile Season 1 Battle Pass Skins And RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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