Apex Legends Mobile Demolition Crew Arsenal Drop Guide

Apex Legends Mobile‘s latest Arsenal Drop is now available in the portable battle royale‘s in-game store. The Demolition Crew Arsenal Drop features a collection of 20 cosmetic items, from stat trackers to Legendary skins. The cosmetics are unlocked at random, and each reward has a different probability of being unlocked.

But Arsenal Drops are far from simple, often utilizing complicated purchase methods that can be a little confusing (and involve a lot of math). Keep reading for a detailed breakdown of the Demolition Crew Arsenal Drop–including exactly how much cash you’ll need to shell out to snag all 20 cosmetics.

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Getting started

When you open the Apex Legends Mobile App, a splash screen advertising the Demolition Crew Arsenal Drop will appear. Select “Go!” to be taken directly to the event screen. If you’ve already closed the window, however, you can find the new Arsenal Drop by selecting the store tab on the main lobby screen, then navigating to the Emporium page, where you will find a link to the event. With patience, you can also find the event page by waiting for the event’s banner ad to appear on the right side of the lobby.

Loot box prices

The Demolition Crew Arsenal Drop does not allow cosmetics to be directly purchased. Instead, players can pay to open a loot box with Syndicate Gold. Once payment is made, one of the event’s 20 cosmetic items will be randomly unlocked. There are no duplicate items, so once you unlock a prize, it is removed from the loot pool.

But the cost of opening a box increases with each round. While the first box is only 45 Syndicate Gold (roughly $0.50 USD), the next box costs 65 Syndicate Gold. Here’s a round-by-round breakdown of the cost of each loot box:

Box #1: 45 SGBox #2: 65 SGBox #3: 100 SGBox #4: 120 SGBox #5: 150 SGBox #6: 250 SGBox #7: 350 SGBox #8: 450 SGBox #9: 550 SGBox #10: 650 SGBox #11: 750 SGBox #12: 850 SGBox #13: 950 SGBox #14: 1,050 SGBox #15: 1,150 SGBox #16: 1,250 SGBox #17: 1,400 SGBox #18: 1,600 SGBox #19: 1,800 SGBox #20: 2,300 SG

If your goal is to unlock the entire collection, you will need a total of 15,830 Syndicate Gold–equivalent to about $159 USD. But because Syndicate Gold can only be purchased in bundles from the in-game shop, it will actually cost you roughly $175 USD to obtain the complete cosmetic collection.

Odds and prizes

The event’s cosmetics are separated into six tiers, each of which have a specific probability listed next to them on the event screen. These are the odds of unlocking a cosmetic from each tier, along with the cosmetics included in each tier.

Tier six: 50%

Winning Kills Gibraltar stat trackerKills as kill leader Gibraltar stat trackerWins Gibraltar stat trackerLet’s Do This Gibraltar emoji (Epic)Hey There Lifeline emoji (Epic)

Tier five: 33%

Do Not Cross Bangalore Skin (Rare)Lifeline Pack Lifeline banner frame (Epic)Endless Black Hole Fade banner frame (Epic)Intergalactic avatar frame (Epic)

Tier four: 10%

Stainless RE45 skin (Epic)Support Steel Sentinel skin (Epic)Haka Gibraltar emote (Legendary)Helping Hand Lifeline holospray (Epic)

Tier three: 5%

Phase Engineer Fade skin (Epic)Destruction Boss Caustic skin (Epic)Energy Shield Gibraltar banner frame (Legendary)

Tier two: 1.5%

Machine Surgeon Lifeline skin (Legendary)The Demolisher Peacekeeper skin (Legendary)

Tier one: 0.5%

Earth Mover Gibraltar skin (Legendary)Pressure Point Hemlock skin (Legendary)

Curiously, a look at the in-game event description lists different odds for each tier. This appears to be a mistake on the part of the developers. It is not clear which set of odds is correct, but we’ve reached out to EA for more details and will update this story if we receive a reply.

The odds listed in the event description are as follows:

Tier six: 50%Tier five: 31%Tier four: 10%Tier three: 5%Tier two: 3%Tier one: 1%

Apex Legends Mobile does not currently have any Heirloom weapons, so unlocking at 20 cosmetics won’t grant you a special reward. Once you unlock all of the cosmetics you’ve had your eye on, there is no reason to continue opening loot boxes.

The Demolition Crew Arsenal Drop will be live in the in-game store for the next 12 days, so players have plenty of time to save up Syndicate Gold and decide which cosmetics they want to unlock. But if the Demolition Crew cosmetics don’t catch your eye, you may wish to try out the Frontline Battalion Phase Heist, another random-roll event with slightly different rules.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on iOS and Android.

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About Claire Lewis

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