Apex Legends Mobile – Hyperbeat Seasonal Event Guide

Apex Legends Mobile Season 2.5: Hyperbeat launched this week, bringing loads of new content to Respawn’s pocket-sized battle royale. But along with the standard mid-season addition of a new battle pass and a new playable legend, Season 2.5 has introduced another interesting feature to the mobile game: more limited-time events than any previous Apex Legends Mobile Season to date.

To help you keep track of all the action happening this season, we’ve put together an in-depth guide to every in-game event planned for Apex Legends Mobile Season 2.5. This includes a schedule of upcoming Pro Mode weekends and future events, along with other season-exclusive activities like LTMs and store events. Keep reading for a detailed play-by-play of everything you can expect to see in this season of Apex Legends Mobile.

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VIP Access

One of the few events to begin during the first half of the season and continue into Season 2.5, VIP Access tasks players with hunting down a VIP Pass. Last season, players could obtain a one by hunting down and shooting Party Ticks, a special sort of Loot Tick located on Rhapsody’s Encore Galore stage. This season, however, a VIP Pass can only be obtained by purchasing one from the Hyperbeat Seasonal Store for 3,000 Hyperbeat Coins.

Obtaining a VIP Pass will grant you access to the VIP section of the Hyperbeat Store, where you can use Hyperbeat Coins to unlock additional free cosmetics that aren’t available in the standard Hyperbeat Seasonal Store. Items in the store range from 2,000 – 10,000 Hyperbeat Coins. Last season, the VIP Pass granted players access to a special set of VIP Challenges that reward players who complete them with cosmetics, currency, and other in-game loot, though that does not seem to be the case this season. The store itself is still live, however, and its contents–including Loba’s Crystal Claws skin–will be sticking around for the rest of the season. The VIP Access Event, however, runs until October 18, so make sure you’ve obtained a VIP Pass from the Hyperbeat store before then. Devs have also revealed that this season, Hyperbeat Coins will not expire with the Hyperbeat battle pass, but will instead carry over into the upcoming battle pass, Aftershow.

Rhapsody’s Remix & Legend Free For All

This event requires players to complete a series of nine event challenges while playing as Loba or Rhapsody. For a closer look at the event and its prizes, check out the Rhapsody’s Remix event guide.

Rhapsody’s Remix runs from September 27 – October 4.

Don’t have Loba or Rhapsody unlocked? No problem. The Legend Free For All event will be live at the same time as Rhapsody’s Remix. Legend Free For All is an event that allows players to play matches using characters they haven’t unlocked yet, meaning you don’t have to purchase Loba or Rhapsody to complete Rhapsody’s Remix, as long as you complete it while the Legend Free For All event is live. For more information on the Legend Free For All, see our event announcement.Legend Free For All runs from October 1 – 3.

28 Day Challenge

Just like the first half of Season 2, Season 2.5 has launched an enormous, 28-day login bonus event called 28 Day Challenge. Each day, players can log in to receive a new reward, and those who complete the event will rack up a total of:

14,600 Hyperbeat Coins20 Pack Pieces (equivalent to 2 Syndicate Packs)3 Mission Cards1,000 Flux2 Syndicate PacksAnticipation Crypto banner pose (Rare)Topaz Mirror Mastiff weapon skin (Rare)Zircon user avatar frame (Epic)Diamond Shot R-99 weapon skin (Epic)

Logging in for 28 days straight does require some dedication, but don’t worry too much if you miss a day–you can use up to five Retro Check-ins to keep your streak if you miss a day. You can even choose to set a reminder so you don’t forget to log in.

The 28 Day Challenge event runs until October 18.

Rising Through The Ranks

Rising Through The Ranks requires players to participate in Ranked Mode, rising through the ranks to earn some seriously snazzy rewards. As it is tied to the ranked season, the Rising Through The Ranks event is live until October 18.

Rhapsody’s Town Takeover

Season 2.5 introduced the Pythas Theatre, a new POI currently docked at the Airbase in Kings Canyon (not to be confused with the Encore Galore, Rhapsody’s airborne concert venue). Landing at the Pythas Theater will give you the option to “Start the Party” at a control panel near the center of the POI. Activating the console starts a holographic Rhapsody concert that causes high tier loot to rain from the sky.

Due to the popularity of Pythas Theater as an early-game landing zone, chaotic fights between multiple squads are common. But the good news is, Rhapsody‘s got you covered. When her concert is active, a series of temporary “Dance Floor Buffs” will be applied to players within the POI. The type of buff depends on what kind of light show accompanies the concert.

Purple light: speed boostGreen light: health regenerationGold light: higher-tier loot drops on the dance floor

The Pythas Theater Town Takeover does not have a listed expiration date, and may be a permanent addition to the mobile version of the Kings Canyon Map.

Returning Champ

If you haven’t played much of the mobile game this season, don’t stress–there’s actually an additional login event for absentee players who have gone at least 10 days without logging in. Logging in after an extended absence triggers Returning Champ, a 10-day login event with 8 daily login rewards and a series of challenges that will give players who complete them a total of 15 rewards. To learn more about the event, see our Returning Champ event guide.

The Returning Champ event does not appear to have an expiration date.

Future Wave Store Vault

A new lucky draw event is available in the in-game store, featuring Eternal-tier skins for Bangalore, Octane, the Triple Take, and the R-99. There’s no guarantee you’ll get the item you want (unless you purchase and open the maximum number of loot boxes, a pricey endeavor), but there are a total of 32 prizes, and one of those prizes is a set of Store Vault Tokens, a type of currency that can be used to bypass the random-roll mechanic and directly unlock the skin of your choice. You’ll need 10,000 Store Vault Tokens to unlock Eternal-tier items.

The Future Wave Store Vault will be available until October 18.

Digital Bliss Fest Arenal Draw

Another store event, the Digital Bliss Fest Arenal Draw, features 20 cosmetic items. These items include legend skins, emotes, avatar frames, banner frames, stat trackers, and more–plus emoji packs for Caustic and Gibraltar, and weapon skins for the RE-45, Flatline, Alternator, and L-STAR. Arsenal Draws are random-roll store events that function identically to the Arsenal Drops from Season 1.

The Digital Bliss Fest Arenal Draw will be available until October 6.

Party Animal Phase Heist

Similar to previous Phase Heists, the Party Animal Phase Heist requires players to purchase Draw Tickets in the hopes of landing on a Coordinate Chip, which will then give them access to the the loot vault, which contains a series of 12 mobile-exclusive cosmetic items for Wraith, Lifeline, Crypto, Rhapsody, the Mozambique, the Prowler, the 30-30 Repeater, and the Kraber.

The Party Animal Phase Heist will be live until October 4.

Pro Mode schedule

Pro Mode is a two-day event that occurs repeatedly throughout the season. Each week, a new Pro Mode challenge appears for 48 hours. Each week’s challenge is tied to a specific mode, and completing each weekly challenge rewards players with Hyperbeat Coins, a Seasonal Currency used to redeem mobile-exclusive cosmetics from the Hyperbeat Store.

August 30 – 31: Hack ModeSeptember 6 – 7: TDMSeptember 13 – 14: Gun GameSeptember 20 – 21: Hack ModeSeptember 27 – 28: TDMOctober 4 – 5: standard battle royaleOctober 11 – 12: Hack Mode

Upcoming Events

In addition to the huge number of events that are currently live, there are quite a few upcoming events on this season’s schedule as well. While we don’t know what exactly these events will consist of, we do know what they’re named and when they begin. The following events will go live later this season:

Sniper Showcase: October 4 – 11Stage Break: October 10 – 18

Previous events

Some seasonal events have already ended, so we’ve made a list of currently inactive events to help you keep track of what’s happening. The following events are no longer active:

Deathmatch MayhemWay of the WolfSeven Day SweepLet’s Jam!Your Challenge AwaitsEyes In The SkySystem Anomaly

That’s all we know about Hyperbeat’s jam-packed event schedule at the moment, but there is undoubtedly more exciting content on the way, so stay tuned for additional Apex Legends Mobile Season 2.5 news as the season progresses. In the meantime, more information about the changes and new content hitting Apex Legends Mobile this season can be found in the Hyperbeat patch notes.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

Apex Legends Mobile – All Hyperbeat Battle Pass Skins And RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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