Apex Legends Mobile – Live Fire Event Guide

One of Apex Legends Mobile‘s first post-launch events, the Live Fire event, is now available for players of the massively-popular mobile version of Respawn’s hit battle royale. Players who complete the event will snag some free loot, including a mobile-exclusive R-99 skin. Keep reading for details on how to complete the Live Fire event and obtain every free reward.

Getting started

Upon logging in, you will be met with a splash screen announcing the event. Select “Go” and you’ll be taken directly to the event page. But if you accidentally clicked past the announcement and are having trouble navigating Apex Legends Mobile‘s crowded, somewhat-confusing user interface, you can also navigate to the event page manually. From the main lobby screen, select the Season Event page, which is located on the left side of the lobby screen, just below the news slides.

You will then be taken to Season Navigation, where you will see information on all current and upcoming Apex Legends Mobile events. In the right column of the events list (found just under the Grow Your Squad event) is the Live Fire event, which can be easily identified by the R-99 pictured in its announcement image. Once you select the Live Fire event, you’ll be taken to the event’s challenge and free reward track page.


Unlike many events in the console/PC version of Apex Legends, challenges for the Live Fire event are identical for every player. All challenges require players to pull off specific feats in battle using specific weapons, but luckily, these aren’t very difficult to execute. The Live Fire event consists of the following six SMG-based challenges:

Deal 500 damage with the Volt SMGDeal 800 damage with the AlternatorKill 6 enemies with the R-99Deal 200 damage with the Prowler SMG in a single matchDown enemies 15 times using any SMGDeal 2000 cumulative damage with any SMGs


The challenges themselves are fairly straightforward, but here are some tips that will help you finish the event challenges as quickly as possible:

Play Team Deathmatch or Arenas. While the challenges can be completed in any game mode (save for the Firing Range/Free Practice modes), completing the challenges in Battle Royale mode will likely take significantly longer than doing so in the Team Deathmatch or Arenas modes, which allow players to select their preferred weapons as opposed to relying on randomized loot.

Play the right legend. The Live Fire event can be completed with any legend, so it’s always best to choose one you’re comfortable with–but some legends have more advantages than others when it comes to this event. We’ve had the best luck using Bloodhound (whose tracking abilities are invaluable in just about every mode), Mirage (who can easily escape when things get heated, and draw out hidden enemies with his decoys), and Gibraltar (whose Gun Shield helps significantly when it comes to knocking down enemies without getting knocked down first).


Completing each challenge will net you 20 challenge points. The Live Fire event rewards are as follows:

15 challenge points: players receive 3000 Season Currency, which can be spent on cosmetics in the Seasonal Store.35 challenge points: unlocks the Bullet gun charm.60 challenge points: players receive 4000 Season Currency.85 challenge points: players receive 100 Flux, which can be used to craft legend skins in the Crafting section of the in-game store.120 challenge points: unlocks the Rare-tier Laser Etched weapon skin for the R-99.

All in all, the Live Fire event isn’t too difficult to complete, even if you’re new to Apex Legends or mobile games. But if you’re hoping to obtain all of the event’s rewards, you may want to get a move on, as the Live Fire event only runs from May 25 to May 30. However, if you happen to finish up early, there are still more goodies to be won. Be sure to check out our Unleash Punishment event guide to unlock even more free loot–and uncover the details of the first mobile-exclusive legend’s mysterious past–before the event ends on May 27.

Apex Legends Mobile in available for download on iOS and Android.

All Apex Legends Mobile Season 1 Battle Pass Skins And RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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