Apex Legends Mobile‘s latest patch has reversed a change from a previous update that increased the required score to win in TDM mode from 30 kills to 40. The patch–which was released Monday, but only announced last night–also addressed several bugs.
Unfortunately, this week’s update to the console and PC versions of Apex Legends hasn’t had such a positive effect. Players on all platforms have reported server issues after Tuesday’s Spellbound Collection Event launched, introducing game updates in addition to a new cosmetic collection.
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Now Playing: Apex Legends Spellbound Collection Event
Most players are simply having issues connecting to matches (or staying connected), but others can’t even connect to the lobby. The Spellbound Collection Event update also introduced issues with the season’s story updates. Players who manage to log in are met with an announcement that a new story chapter is available, but some players can’t access it. Respawn addressed the issue last night via a statement on Twitter:
The new cosmetic collection was unavailable for nearly an hour after yesterday’s launch, though that issue has since been amended, and players can now get their hands on Seer’s Heirloom Weapon. No further updates on issues connecting to the game itself are available at this time.
As for Apex Legends’ mobile counterpart, things are running quite smoothly, though some players are disappointed after the recent announcement that the current season of Apex Legends Mobile has been extended for over a month, with Season 4 now set to launch on Valentine’s Day instead of its original January 10 launch date.
In addition to reverting the required TDM score back to 30 points, Monday’s patch also addressed a frustrating bug that caused the mobile game’s ADS button to completely disappear. Problems with FPS drops have also been fixed, as has the SFX on one of Ash‘s finishers. When Season 4’s postponement was announced, one of the explanations given was that developers wanted to take more time to address bugs and quality-of-life issues, and it seems they’re doing just that. Unfortunately, the game continues to struggle on console and PC.
Apex Legends is free to play on console and PC. A mobile version of the game, Apex Legends Mobile, is available for download on Android and iOS devices.
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