Apex Legends Mobile Players Can Now Play Loba Free For A Limited Time

Apex Legends Mobile Season 2.5: Hyperbeat has brought loads of new content to Respawn’s mobile shooter, including a large number of in-game events that give players free rewards for participating. But a new event debuted today that stands out from the usual “complete challenge, get loot” formula most events tend to stick to. This event doesn’t even have a name, and when it comes to rewards, there’s no playing for keeps–you’ll have to return your “reward” when the event concludes. It does, however, provide players with a unique, free (albeit temporary) opportunity to do something special: play as Loba, without having to purchase her.

Similar to an event from last season that allowed players to take Fade for a temporary test-drive without having to purchase him, this event gives players two days to take Loba for a spin without having to spend the 750 Syndicate Gold (roughly $7.50 USD) required to unlock the character directly, or purchase her with any Legend Fragments left over from previous seasons. If you’ve been dying to give Loba a try but are hesitant to shell out the cash, now is the perfect opportunity to get to know the sneaky jewel thief–and get an up-close look at her abilities.

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Initially becoming available in the mobile game alongside the Season 1.5: Cold Snap update, Loba’s skillset makes her every loot goblin’s dream, and her Black Market ability also makes her an incredibly valuable character for players who don’t have the patience to deal with Apex Mobile’s somewhat clunky looting system. With her tactical Jump Drive’s added mobility, Loba is a well-rounded legend who comes in handy in plenty of situations, so make sure to try her out for yourself before the free trial period comes to an end.

To play as Loba for free in Apex Legends Mobile, open the app and select “Go!” on the pop-up ad for the event that will appear when you first fire up the game. Then select the “Play” button from the main lobby screen and load into your first match. You can also test out Loba’s abilities in the firing range–but don’t dawdle, as Loba will only be playable for free until September 14.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

Apex Legends Mobile: All Hyperbeat Store And VIP Store RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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