Apex Legends Mobile – Rhapsody's Remix Event Guide

Apex Legends Mobile‘s fifth battle pass is just a few days away, but this event-packed season isn’t over quite yet. Players have until October 4 to complete one final seasonal Hyperbeat quest in return for free cosmetics, Mission Cards, currency, and other useful items. The good news: Rhapsody’s Remix can easily be completed in a single day, and the prizes are well worth the effort.

The event challenges players to complete quests as either Loba or Rhapsody, and consists of nine challenges, each of which rewards players with a different prize. Completing the ninth and final challenge earns players the colorful, mobile-exclusive Vapor Blast Loba legend skin. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide to help you complete this event before the Hyperbeat battle pass expires and is replaced by Aftershow next week.

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Getting started

You’ll probably be greeted by a splash page advertising the event as soon as you open the Apex Legends Mobile app, but if you somehow manage to miss it, the event hub can be located by selecting the purple “Season Event” banner on the right side of the main lobby screen.

From there, select the “Limited-Time” tab located at the top of the screen, then select “Rhapsody’s Remix” from the vertical list of events on the right side of the screen. This will take you to the event hub.

Challenges and rewards

The event’s challenges and corresponding rewards are as follows:

Playing as Rhapsody or Loba, make it to the Top 10 in 3 battle royale matches: Cyber City account badgeUse Rhapsody or Loba’s Ultimate in battle royale matches 4 times: 1,000 Hyperbeat CoinsKill 10 enemies in battle royale while playing as Rhapsody or Loba: 1 Mission CardDeal 3,000 damage as Rhapsody or Loba in battle royale matches: 2,000 Hyperbeat CoinsUse Rhapsody or Loba’s Ultimate in battle royale matches 10 times: 400 FluxPlaying as Rhapsody or Loba, make it to the Top 3 in 1 battle royale match: Crimson Chrome user avatar frameDeal 5,000 damage as Rhapsody or Loba in battle royale matches: 10 Syndicate Pack PiecesKill 20 enemies in battle royale while playing as Rhapsody or Loba: 3,000 Hyperbeat CoinsComplete 15 battle royale matches as Loba or Rhapsody: Vapor Blast Loba legend skin (Rare)

(*Equivalent to 1 Syndicate Pack)


One of the many upsides to this event is that, with enough determination, it can easily be completed in a single day, making it a great way to obtain free loot and rack up Hyperbeat Coins to spend on cosmetics in the Seasonal Store. Set aside some play time this weekend and you should have no problem knocking these event challenges out before Aftershow goes live.

But if you haven’t unlocked Loba or Rhapsody, never fear–you can play all legends for free from October 1 – 3, so this event is the perfect chance to take two new legends for a test-drive if you haven’t unlocked them yet. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to try out new playstyles.

Don’t forget that although your Hyperbeat Coins will carry over to next season, Mission Cards expire at the end of the season. If you complete the challenge that rewards you with one, make sure you’ve used it before Aftershow goes live on October 5 at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET.

Lastly, you’ll wand to assemble a squad. A decent squad makes completing the event challenges worlds easier and far more entertaining. Whether they’re IRL friends or randoms you met in the lobby chat, be sure to communicate with your squadmates and let them know if you’re going to be attempting to complete a particularly difficult challenge during the match. As the saying goes: Teamwork makes the dream work (and in this case, also earns you a ton of free loot).

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

Apex Legends Mobile: All Hyperbeat Store And VIP Store RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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