Apex Legends Mobile Season 2 Gameplay Trailer Reveals Rhapsody's Perks And Town Takeover

Apex Legends Mobile Season 2: Defiance launches today, and developer Respawn entertainment has released a gameplay trailer that offers players a sneak peek at all the new content that will become available to players once debut legend Rhapsody and her AI companion Rowdy arrive in the Outlands later this evening. New maps, unique game modes, and a new Town Takeover will debut this season alongside a bevy of other changes and additions to the pocket-sized battle royale.

Respawn shared details regarding both Rhapsody’s abilities and her backstory last week, but today players are finally getting a preview of this season’s newest legend–and her skills. Keep reading for a closer look at Rhapsody’s abilities, along with all the new features hitting Apex Legends Mobile in Season 2: Distortion.

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Abilities and Perks

Rhapsody’s abilities are already public knowledge, but here’s a quick rundown for the uninitiated:

Passive: Gifted Ear – Rhapsody can pick up and visualize sounds from an extended range.Tactical: Hype Anthem – Rhapsody plays a powerful track that speeds up nearby squadmates and recharges shields. Taking damage will end the effect.Ultimate: Rowdy’s Rave – Rowdy projects a wall of flashing lights that blocks her from sight and scans from legends like Bloodhound.

Even more interesting than her abilities are her perks. Rhapsody has the following Legend Progression Perks (a feature that is exclusive to the mobile game), which can be unlocked over time by playing Rhapsody frequently:

Volume Control – Squadmates affected by Rhapsody’s Tactical temporarily gain Gifted Ear.Sound Bleed – Rhapsody will occasionally see nearby 3D sound visualizations effects through walls.Tuned In – Continuously running increases the range of Gifted Ear.Reverb – The more squadmates Rhapsody’s tactical Hype Anthem affects, the longer it lasts.Harmony – Rhapsody’s tactical Hype Anthem increases the speed of revives and the effect of healing items.Rowdy’s Rhythm – When Rhapsody’s ultimate is activated, squadmates standing near Rowdy reload faster.

New Events

Town Takeover: The Encore Galore is now hovering over King’s Canyon (which will join the map rotation once Season 2 goes live). Other than some neon graffiti, the ship serving as Rhapsody’s Town Takeover POI is nearly identical to the Mirage Voy’age found on the Party Crasher Arenas map in the console and PC version of Apex Legends. Landing in this colorful POI will reward players with high-tier loot and–if they’re lucky–a VIP pass to Rhapsody’s next show.Rhapsody LIVE: Completing challenges in this event will earn you extra XP along with Rhapsody posters, a commemorative gift celebrating the new season’s launch.Conqueror of Kings: This event will reward players for exploring the King’s Canyon map and achieving specific challenges in return for some free loot.

New Modes

Two new modes will debut in Season 2: Gun Game and Hack.

Gun game requires players to work their way through an arsenal of weapons by racking up kills. The team with the most points–or three melee kills–wins.

Hack pits two squads against each other in a unique mode that’s unlike anything Apex has ever done before. One team, the Hackers, attempts to gain points by hacking into one of two sites on the map. The other team (called Defenders) must work to stop the Hackers at all costs to prevent them from frying the playing field via the hacked satellite.

In addition to these major additions, players can also look forward to a new Seasonal Shop, new battle pass, and Club Showdown, a new feature that tasks clubs with completing challenges to take the top spot on the club leaderboards. The higher a club falls on the ranking list, the better their rewards will be.

Respawn surely has more surprises in store for the mobile game’s sophomore season, so make sure to fire up the Apex Legends Mobile app when Season 2: Distortion goes live tonight at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on iOS and Android.

About Claire Lewis

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