Apex Legends Mobile System Anomaly Event Guide

Apex Legends Mobile Season 2.5 launches next week, with Crypto likely making his mobile debut alongside the new battle pass. In honor of the tech-savvy legend’s upcoming appearance, the mobile game has hosted several themed events hinting at Crypto’s imminent arrival, the latest of which is the System Anomaly event.

The System Anomaly event effectively serves as Crypto’s in-game teaser, similar to some of the pre-season teasers found in Apex Legends on console and PC. Players who complete the event’s challenges will unlock a series of five free rewards, including a mobile-exclusive weapon skin for the Hemlock. Keep reading for a detailed look at the event’s challenges and rewards.

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Getting started

Unlike many previous Apex Legends Mobile events, you most likely received a push notification for System Anomaly with a message that read, “You’ve received a coded file. You know what to do! Crack the code!” To begin the mission, open the notification (or just fire up the Apex Mobile app). Once logged in, a series of splash screens will appear advertising various events and store bundles. Select “Go!” on the screen advertising System Anomaly, or navigate to the event hub manually by selecting the Season Event banner on the right side of the main lobby screen, then selecting the “Limited-Time” tab at the top of the screen. System Anomaly is at the top of the event list already, so once you select “Go!” you’ll be taken to the event hub.

Upon reaching the hub, you’ll be greeted by a message that simply says “Access denied.” Select “Try to Decrypt,” which will unlock the hub and allow you to check out the event’s challenges and peruse the rewards. Selecting the question mark at the top of the screen will display the event’s description: “You’ve received a coded file. Collect Anomaly Points to unlock its contents.”

Anomaly Points and challenges

After selecting “Try to Decrypt,” the event hub’s screen will “break” into 9 pieces, which must be unlocked separately by accumulating the number of Anomaly Points listed on each piece. The number of Anomaly Points required to unlock a single piece ranges from 2 to 6. You must accumulate a total of 27 Anomaly Points to unlock all 9 pieces.

Anomaly Points are obtained by completing event challenges. Unlike previous events, some challenges will also reward the player with in-game currency, Syndicate Pack Pieces, and Mission Cards in addition to Anomaly Points. Challenges refresh every day, so don’t sweat it if there are some you can’t complete–you’ll get another shot at some of them the next day.

The event’s challenges and the amount of Anomaly Points players receive for completing them are as follows:

Deal 500 damages with LMGs in any mode – 1 Anomaly PointDeal 3,000 damage in any mode – 3 Anomaly Points, 1 Mission CardComplete 10 matches in Multiplayer – 4 Anomaly Points, 5 Syndicate Pack PiecesOpen 15 Supply Bins in any mode – 2 Anomaly PointsKnock down enemies 5 times in any mode – 1 Anomaly PointLog in for 3 days – 4 Anomaly Points, 200 Flux

If you want to keep track of your progress, the list of event challenges can be accessed by opening the tab on the right side of the event hub.


In addition to the Syndicate Pack Pieces, Mission Cards, and Flux you will receive for completing individual challenges, players who obtain all 27 Anomaly Points required to complete the event will unlock the following rewards:

5 Syndicate Pack PiecesSkull weapon charm (Rare)300 Flux1 Syndicate PackFading Mist Hemlock weapon skin (Rare)

The System Anomaly event will be live until August 26, so there’s no need to rush–unlike other seasonal events, System Anomaly will not end when Season 2.5 launches on August 23. Still, it will take you a minimum of three days to accumulate the required amount of Anomaly Points to crack the code, so make sure to plan accordingly.

Once you’ve decrypted all 9 pieces, something special will happen. As for what that “something special” is? We won’t spoil the surprise.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

All Apex Legends Mobile Season 2 Battle Pass RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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