Apex Legends Mobile Test Your Mettle Event Guide

This week, Apex Legends Mobile launched Test Your Mettle, a new in-game event that rewards players with free in-game currency, cosmetics, and other kinds of loot for completing various challenges in Ranked Mode.

Each completed challenge gives players a certain amount of Challenge Points. Once enough challenge points have been collected, a prize is unlocked. There are three rewards in all, including a mobile-exclusive Bloodhound skin. Keep reading for a detailed look at the Test Your Mettle event, its challenges, and those sweet free rewards.

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Getting started

When you log in to the game, you’ll be met with a series of splash screens, including one advertising the Test Your Mettle event. Select “Go!” to be taken directly to the event hub. Alternatively, you can also navigate there manually by selecting the “Season Event” banner located on the right side of the main lobby screen.

From there, select the “Limited-Time” tab at the top of the screen (located between the “announcement” and “Seasonal Store” tabs). Then select “Test Your Mettle” from the vertical list on the right hand of the screen. Test Your Mettle is the last event on the list, located at the very bottom.

Once you’ve made it to the event hub, Bloodhound and their raven Artur will be there to greet you, demanding that you “Defend your honor in the ring! You can also get a good look at the event challenges, rewards, and the amount of Challenge Points required to earn those rewards.

Challenges and Challenge Points

The event’s challenges–and the number of Challenge Points you’ll receive for completing them–are as follows:

Finish in the top 3 in Ranked Mode: 15 Challenge PointsKill 10 enemies in Ranked Mode: 15 Challenge PointsDeal 1,000 damage in Ranked Mode: 15 Challenge PointsKill 2 enemies in a single Ranked Mode match: 15 Challenge PointsGet 3 assists in Ranked Mode: 20 Challenge PointsPlay 5 matches in Ranked Mode: 20 Challenge Points


Players who accumulate all 100 challenge points will unlock all three free event rewards. But Test Your Mettle event rewards are received periodically as you work your way through the reward track, meaning you can still snag some free loot even if you don’t complete every challenge.

The Test Your Mettle event rewards–and the number of Challenge Points needed to obtain them–are as follows:

30 Challenge Points: Frost Fuel Flatline weapon skin (Common)60 Challenge Points: 3,000 Seasonal Currency, used to redeem cosmetics from the Distortion Seasonal Store100 Challenge Points: Steel Hunter Bloodhound legend skin (Rare)

The Test Your Mettle event will be live until August 17 at 5 PM PT / 8PM ET. But if you finish up early, why not give Fade a free test-drive or explore some of Apex Legends Mobile Season 2‘s other seasonal in-game events?

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

All Apex Legends Mobile Season 2 Battle Pass RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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