Apex Legends Mobile – Way Of The Wolf Event Guide

The second half of Apex Legends Mobile Season 2, titled Hyperbeat, is absolutely stuffed to the gills with seasonal events that reward participating players with cosmetic skins, in-game currency, XP Boost cards, and more. Way of the Wolf, the latest event to join Hyperbeat’s ever-lengthening LTE list, tasks players with completing a series of Loba-themed challenges to earn Loba’s favorite kind of loot: the kind that’s all hers–or yours, in this particular case.

The event consists of six challenges, each of which rewards players with a specific amount of Challenge Points upon completion. Accumulate enough Challenge Points, and you’ll start unlocking prizes–including the mobile-exclusive Fleeting Look Loba banner pose. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide on the Way of the Wolf event, its challenges, and all the sweet loot you’ll unlock by completing them.

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Getting started

A splash page advertising the Way of the Wolf event should be one of the first things that pops up on your screen when you open Apex Legends Mobile. Select “Go!” to be taken directly to the event hub. But don’t sweat it if you accidentally close the pop-up–just select the purple “Season Event” banner on the right side of the main lobby screen. From there, select the “Limited-Time” tab at the top of the screen, then select Way of the Wolf from the vertical list of events on the right side of the screen.

Challenges and Challenge Points

Once you’ve made it to the Way of the Wolf Event Hub, you’ll see a list of six challenges, each of which will reward you with a certain amount of Challenge Points upon completion. You’ll need a total of 100 Challenge Points to complete the event and obtain all rewards.

The Way of the Wolf event’s challenges–and the amount of Challenge Points you’ll receive for completing them–are as follows:

Complete 5 battle royale matches as Loba, Octane, or Pathfinder: 10 Challenge PointsFinish in the Top 3 in battle royale twice as Loba, Lifeline, or Octane: 15 Challenge PointsDeal 1,000 damage in battle royale as Loba, Bloodhound, or Pathfinder: 20 Challenge PointsDeal 2,000 damage in battle royale as Loba, Bangalore, or Pathfinder: 25 Challenge PointsKill 10 enemies in battle royale as Loba, Bangalore, or Lifeline: 25 Challenge PointsUse Loba, Lifeline, or Octane’s Ultimate 10 times in battle royale matches: 25 Challenge Points


As you accumulate Challenge Points, you’ll unlock a series of three rewards. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the prize tracker at the bottom of the screen, as you’ll need to redeem your rewards by manually selecting them on the event hub page once you’ve accumulated the amount of Challenge Points required to unlock them.

The Way of the Wolf event’s rewards (and the number of Challenge Points required to unlock each one) are as follows:

50 Challenge Points: 5 Pack Pieces80 Challenge Points: 1,500 Hyperbeat Coins, used to redeem season-exclusive cosmetics from the Hyperbeat Store100 Challenge Points: Fleeting Look Loba banner pose (Rare)

*10 Pack Pieces can be used to craft a single Syndicate Pack.


Keep track of your points

As you may have noticed, completing all six challenges will net you 120 Challenge Points, but you only need 100 to complete the event and gain all rewards. If you’re having trouble with a challenge that’s worth 20 Challenge Points or less, move on and come back to it later. You have 20 points of wiggle room when it comes to which challenges you complete.

Play as Loba

The Way of the Wolf event also complements another currently-active event in Apex Legends Mobile that allows you to play as Loba without paying to unlock her. The event is only active until September 14, so you’ll want to give her a try before then, especially because so many challenges in Way of the Wolf require you to play as Loba (though you can, of course, play as other characters as well).

Play with friends

Apex is a game about teamwork. When it comes to challenges that require you to play a specific character, having teammates who won’t throw a fit when you “steal” their main is always a good idea. If possible, team up with some friends (IRL or otherwise) and let them know which character you plan to play ahead of time. Take advantage of voice chat, and make sure to stick close to your squad.

The Way of the Wolf event is live until September 15 at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

Apex Legends Mobile – All Hyperbeat Battle Pass Skins And RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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