Respawn Entertainment has released a new patch for Apex Legends aimed at fixing a few issues that were introduced with the start of Season 12: Defiance.
The patch, which is live now, aims to fix a few issues. The patch fixes an issue with Bloodhound’s Mythic skin quests resetting. The skin evolves as players complete quests for it, but there was an issue with progress getting reset. The patch also solved an issue with certain Bloodhound stat trackers not working correctly.
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The patch also introduces a leaver penalty to Control, the current limited-time mode. Control is only supposed to be available for another week, but now players might be less inclined to leave a match if their team starts losing. The biggest fix is “the first of several” aimed at fixing the frame stutter stutter on last-gen consoles. At the start of Season 12, some players on last-gen consoles began experiencing a loss of frames and stutters. It’s unclear how much of this issue this update will solve, but Respawn clearly has more fixes on the way.
Apex Legends’ third anniversary collection event is live for one more week, offering players a variety of legendary and epic items to buy and craft. Anyone who collects all 24 items will get the Mythic Bloodhound skin, which now has working quests.