Apex Legends Patch Nerfs Prowler SMG, L-Star LMG

Developer Respawn has released a patch for Apex Legends that implements a much-needed nerf for the Prowler SMG, a powerful firearm that rotated out of care packages and into ground loot at the start of Season 10: Emergence. The update nerfs the L-Star LMG as well.

In terms of the Prowler, the patch reduces the damage of each individual bullet from 15 to 14. Though that may seem small, it’s actually a fairly significant adjustment. Since the Prowler fires in five-bullet bursts, this reduces each burst from 75 damage to 70.

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That means a level 2 blue body shield (which can absorb 75 damage) can no longer be broken on a single Prowler burst. And though it will still only take two bursts to break level 3 purple (100 damage), level 4 gold (100 damage), and level 5 red (125 damage) body shields, that second burst won’t chew into an enemy player’s health bar (100 hit points) quite as much.

To break that down, those with level 3 or level 4 armor will now be left with 60 health instead of 50, and those with level 5 armor will now have 85 health instead of 75. That last number is especially notable–you will no longer be able to knock a player with a level 5 body shield in three Prowler bursts. You’ll now at least need to hit four full bursts and then get two more bullets from a fifth burst to hit.

“We considered hitting the [Prowler’s] hipfire a bit, but after over-correcting with the Hemlok, we’ll take the conservative approach here,” Respawn associate live balance designer John Larson tweeted.

“Prowler has the same hipfire properties as the [R99 SMG], and SMGs should be reliable at close range. I think there are smarter ways to further adjust if it still proves to be the de facto [close-quarters combat] option.”

At the end of the patch notes for this update, Respawn writes that the planned nerf for Seer is scheduled for next week.

“We considered putting something out today, but we figured it’s worth taking the time to assemble a more complete set of changes [for Seer],” Larson tweeted. “Be on the lookout next week.”

The full list of changes coming in today’s patch are listed below.

Apex Legends August 10 Update Patch Notes

Reduces Prowler damage from 15>14Reduces speed while ADSing with the L-StarFixes a map hole near ClimatizerRaises prices for the Prowler and L-Star in Arenas

About Jordan Ramée

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