Apex Legends Patch Notes Include More Defense Against Denial-Of-Service Attacks

Apex Legends‘ latest update is out now, bringing with it a number of fixes and improvements for the game. Although it’s not the most exciting update, it should nonetheless improve the game experience overall.

One improvement that Respawn has pushed to the game is to make is more resilient to denial-of-service attacks. The developer has worked on DoS attacks in the past; they can make the experience of playing a game extremely frustrating, as attackers attempt to force players offline by flooding game servers with traffic. Apex has been plagued by DoS attacks this year, and Respawn mounted a significant effort to counter these actions back in June. Today’s patch notes suggest that the studio is still improving its defenses.

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The update also includes an assortment of miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements. For example, Respawn has fixed melee and spin-up exploits affecting the Sheila mobile mini-gun, and it has fixed the color of the raven on Bloodhound’s Niflheim Hundr skin. You can see the full list of tweaks below.

Apex Legends is currently in the midst of its Monsters Within Halloween event that adds a bunch of new skins and the Shadow Royale mode. In addition, Respawn recently revealed that Titanfall’s Ash will be Apex’s next character dropping in Season 11.

Apex: Legends Patch Notes

We’ve resolved an issue that caused players to be randomly unreadied while matchmaking in RankedFixed a couple issues that were causing animated banner poses to cause hangs or crashesImproved protection against DoS attacksFixed audio and rendering issues with respawn shipsFixed an issue with using Crypto’s drone in the Map RoomFixed issue with Pathfinder having a constant 30s grapple cooldown regardless of distance in ArenasPathfinder Beacons Scanned tracker now updates correctlyFixed melee and spin-up exploits related to mobile SheilaThe raven in Bloodhound’s Niflheim Hundr skin will now correctly show as white in the lobbyStability fixes and memory optimizations

About Alex Newhouse

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