Apex Legends Season 13 Battle Pass Trailer Reveals Dragons Vs. Knights Theme

With the launch of Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors just around the corner (and a recent leak that appeared to show the entire contents of the Saviors battle pass), speculation amongst Apex players as to the contents of the battle pass has been at an all-time high. But the wait is now over–Respawn Entertainment just released the Season 13 battle pass trailer, and it has confirmed the legitimacy of last week’s leaks.

Season 13 will have a medieval fantasy theme with a futuristic sci-fi twist, with included weapon and legend cosmetics stylized to look like knight armor or dragon scales. While the two-minute trailer didn’t reveal all of Season 13’s secrets, it did give us a sneak peek at a few things to look forward to in this season’s battle pass.

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Now Playing: Apex Legends: Saviors Battle Pass Trailer

Legend skins

The battle pas trailer gives players a closer look at both Legendary- and Epic-tier legend skins. The Saviors battle pass contains two Legendary character cosmetics: Bloodhound’s “Feral’s Future” skin and Fuse’s “Sir Fitzroy” skin.

Season 13’s battle pass also contains the Epic-tier “Firewall” skin for Season 13’s debut legend, Newcastle, along with Epic skins for Crypto, Mad Maggie, and Pathfinder.

All Apex Legends Season 13 Battle Pass Skins And RewardsSee More

Weapon skins

As in previous seasons, various weapons are also getting new skins, including two reactive Spitfire skins named “Molten Soul” and “Winter Soul,” which players will receive after completing level 100 and level 110 of the Season 13 battle pass.

Map changes and abilities

The trailer provides a birds-eye view of the Downed Beast, a new POI that became part of the Stormpoint map after the legends killed it in Season 13’s launch trailer, along with several loot vaults in the form of IMC armories, which are full of hostile robots, but will reward players who are brave and skilled enough to face off with the robotic NPCs.

Additionally, the battle pass trailer also allowed players to catch another glimpse of Newcastle’s passive and ultimate abilities, which allow him to drag downed teammates to safety using his knockdown shield, and create a massive wall to provide cover for team mates in sticky situations.

To fully unearth the secrets hidden within the Saviors battle pass, players can purchase it for 950 Apex Coins when Season 13 launches on Tuesday, May 10.

About Claire Lewis

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